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Maximiliano Fierro edited this page Jan 2, 2014 · 2 revisions

##Using Ext.i18n.Bundle with your Sencha Touch App

  • First copy the i18n folder to your root folder.
  • Add the namespace Ext.i18n to the loader:
     enabled: true,
     paths: {
          'Ext.i18n': 'i18n'

  • Now config your app to use the Bundle extension:
    name: 'AppTest',

    requires: ['Ext.i18n.Bundle'],

    bundle: {
        bundle: 'Application',
        lang: 'es-ES',
        path: 'resources',
        noCache: true

    launch: function(){
            fullscreen: true,
            items: [
                    xtype: 'titlebar',
                    docked: 'top',
                    title: {type: 'bundle', key: 'panel.title'}
            tpl: [ //4
                'Hello {name}! <br>',
                    getMsgFromResources: function(){
            data: {name: 'Joe'}
  • Add your .properties files into the resources folder

##Using Ext.i18n.Bundle with Sencha Cmd

In case you are using Sencha Cmd there are a few changes you have to do in order that Cmd can pick up the dependencies and build the project correctly:

  • Edit your .sencha/app/sencha.cfg and add the i18n folder into the class path:
  • Now you have to run refresh command so Cmd can recreate the bootstrap.js file and dependencies
sencha app refresh
  • Last step is to add your .properties files references into app.json file so Cmd build can pick them up when creating builds. To do so, just add them into the resources section:
"resources": [

Done! Now you are ready to start testing your app in development. Once you are ready you can create your testing or production builds with:

sencha app build production
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