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A mod for Stardew Valley to add conversation topics that need code to add, so dialogue mods can reference them.


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A mod for Stardew Valley to add conversation topics that need code to add, so dialogue mods can reference them.

What You Can Use This Mod For

This mod was created primarily for dialogue content packs added by Content Patcher, but since events can use conversation topics as preconditions and Content Patcher can use conversation topics as part of a condition, there is a broad range of possible uses. However, this mod does not implement any of the dialogue/content itself, just the conversation topics. When adding dialogue, it can be added via setting the dialogue key as the relevant conversation topic. This mod can also be used to make conversation topics added by other mods repeatable.

Some good references when creating content packs that rely on this mod:

Current Conversation Topics Added By This Mod

Since there are a lot of conversation topics added by this mod, I've divided them up into a few sections. Spoilers for endgame and Easter-egg type content here!

Social Conversation Topics

These are related to various social events that happen in the game.

  • engaged (triggered when a player gets engaged, repeatable)
  • wedding (triggered when a player gets married, repeatable)
  • divorce (triggered when you get divorced, repeatable)
  • babyBoy (triggered when you have a baby, and it's a boy, repeatable)
  • babyGirl (triggered when you have a baby, and it's a girl, repeatable)
  • luauBest (triggered when the luau soup gets the best result, repeatable)
  • luauShorts (triggered when the Mayor's shorts are added to the luau soup, repeatable)
  • luauPoisoned (triggered when a poisonous item is added to the luau soup, repeatable)

Joja-Route Missing Conversation Topics

There are a few conversation topics missing when you go the Joja route, as compared to the Community Center route.

  • joja_Greenhouse (triggered when you buy the greenhouse repair from Joja)
  • joja_Complete (triggered during the Joja Community Development Program completion ceremony)

Events Around Town

Some of the events that happen around town never get commented on by the townspeople—now they can!

  • jojaMartStruckByLightning (triggered after Community Center completion on a rainy day)
  • willyBoatRepaired (triggered when Willy's boat in the back room is repaired)
  • leoValleyArrival (triggered when Leo moves to the valley)
  • islandResortUnlocked (triggered when the island resort is repaired)

Overnight Events on Your Farm

Some of these might go unnoticed by most townspeople, but the more magically-inclined ones (or your spouse) might take an interest.

  • UFOLandedOnFarm (triggered when the Strange Capsule lands on your farm)
  • meteoriteLandedOnFarm (triggered when a meteorite lands on your farm, repeatable)
  • owlStatueLandedOnFarm (triggered when an owl statue lands on your farm, repeatable)
  • railroadEarthquake (triggered when the railroad is opened by an earthquake)
  • witchSlimeHutVisit (triggered when the witch visits your slime hutch, repeatable)
  • witchCoopVisit (triggered when the witch visits your coop, repeatable)
  • goldenWitchCoopVisit (triggered when the witch visits your coop post-perfection, repeatable)
  • fairyFarmVisit (triggered when the crop fairy visits your farm, repeatable)


In general, players can ignore the config options, although GMCM support is included in case they do want to change them. If they would like any conversation topics to be skipped, they can try setting the length to 0—depending on the conversation topic this will minimize the number of time it gets commented on or eliminate it altogether.

All the conversation topics have default lengths but are also configurable in the config file, with the following values:

  • WeddingDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of wedding conversation topic)
  • BirthDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of babyBoy and babyGirl conversation topics)
  • DivorceDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of divorce conversation topic)
  • LuauDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of all luau conversation topics)
  • JojaGreenhouseDuration (default of 3 days to match cc_Greenhouse in the game, controls length of joja_Greenhouse conversation topic)
  • JojaCompletionDuration (default of 4 days to match cc_Complete in the game, controls length of joja_Complete conversation topic)
  • JojaLightningDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of jojaMartStruckByLightning conversation topic)
  • WillyBoatRepairDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of willyBoatRepaired conversation topic)
  • LeoArrivalDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of leoValleyArrival conversation topic)
  • UFOLandedDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of UFOLandedOnFarm conversation topic)
  • MeteoriteLandedDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of meteoriteLandedOnFarm conversation topic)
  • OwlStatueDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of owlStatueLandedOnFarm conversation topic)
  • RailroadEarthquakeDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of railroadEarthquake conversation topic)
  • WitchVisitDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of all witch visit conversation topics)
  • FairyVisitDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of fairyFarmVisit conversation topic)
  • IslandResortDuration (default of 7 days, controls length of islandResortUnlocked conversation topic)

Adding Repeatable Conversation Topics

This mod allows other mods to add repeatable conversation topics by using Content Patcher to edit the file Mods/vl.mct/RepeatableTopics with EditData. You can add new repeatable conversation topics by adding them as new entries, with any string as the value. An example CP pack will be provided.

It is possible to remove the conversation topics added by this mod from the list of repeatable conversation topics. Please don't do this in a released mod unless you have a good reason to do so, as it could cause compatibility issues with any other mods that depend on this one or unnecessary bug reports.

Console Commands

This mod also adds some new console commands:

  • vl.mct.current_CTs, which prints a list of the current active conversation topics and their durations to the console.
  • vl.mct.has_flag <flagName>, which tells you whether or not you have that mail flag.
  • vl.mct.add_CT <topicName> <duration>, which adds the specified conversation topic with a duration of 1 day by default, or can specify duration.
  • vl.mct.remove_CT <topicName>, which removes the specified conversation topic.
  • vl.mct.is_repeatable_CT <topicName>, which tells you whether or not the specified conversation topic is repeatable.
  • vl.mct.repeatable_CTs, which prints a list of the repeatable conversation topics to the console.

Planned Conversation Topics To Be Added

Spoilers for endgame and Easter-egg type content here!

  • newHorse triggered when the player gets a horse
  • newCat triggered when the player adopts a cat
  • newDog triggered when the player adopts a dog
  • childrenDoved triggered when the player turns their children into doves
  • newBarn triggered when the player builds a barn
  • newCoop triggered when the player builds a coop
  • other newBuildingName triggered when the player builds a building
  • UFOEscaped triggered when the Strange Capsule cracks open
  • passedOutExhausted triggered when the player passes out due to low energy
  • passedOutInjured triggered when the player passes out due to low health
  • beachBridgeFixed triggered when the player fixes the bridge on the beach
  • playerWonEgghunt triggered when the current player wins the egghunt
  • otherPlayerWonEgghunt triggered when a different player wins the egghunt
  • AbigailWonEgghunt triggered when Abigail wins the egghunt (note: will need compatibility check for mods that change who wins the egghunt)
  • playerSkippedFestival triggered when the player skips a festival (note: this is a fairly complex idea and may not be implemented)
  • dancedWithPerson triggered when the player dances with Person at the Flower Dance

Some Examples of When It Might Be Advisable to Use Stats as Tokens, Custom Tokens, Or Content Patcher Instead


Most of the achievements rely on stats that are tracked in Stats as Tokens. For example, you could trigger dialogue based on amount of money earned with a When in Content Patcher. Or you could use the goodFriends token to trigger dialogue as the farmer is getting more popular. In terms of the fishing ones, there is the fishCaught stat from Stats as Tokens, and also a specific mail item for the Master Angler achievement.

Weddings and Births

This mod adds a wedding conversation topic, but Custom Tokens adds an anniversary token and tracks number of years married, so that you can add dialogue or other things based on anniversaries. This mod adds a babyBoy or babyGirl conversation topic right when your children get born, but Custom Tokens also tracks various information about your children, including age and birthday.

Events That Happen Once or Things with Mail Flags

You can use Content Patcher to append addConversationTopic <ID> [length] at the end of an event or append %item conversationTopic <key> <days> %% at the end of a piece of mail. The only downside of this approach is that you may or may not be compatible with any mods that also edit these events. Alternatively, you can use the $1 command in dialogue to trigger some dialogue exactly once. Because of this, some conversation topics that could be added with events/mail flags have been added by this mod, but they are generally going to be lower priority.


A mod for Stardew Valley to add conversation topics that need code to add, so dialogue mods can reference them.







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