Generate music sound effects using mathematics.
well, this project is not written the best way of it. I mean It works, but using this is a bit difficult.
there are some functions in this project. working with each other to craft you a music.
the file
shows you an example how to use it.
it simply gets a midi file as input and generates a music based on notes the file provides.
but I will make a better wiki for this later! I promise!
for generating basic audio
for generating
for converting note number to
for describing each
for generating
for writing generated audio into a wave
for reading notes data from.mid
for test.
any note we hear is consisted of a sine function with a main frequency summed up with it's harmonics- each with it's own amplitude.
adding up sine functions, we create a new function for each instrument which is it's basic sound. see harmonics
function in
but this is not enough by itself to make a nice sound.
amplitude of a sound changes dampingly over time. this is also a unique property of an instrument.
see instrument*
and push_instrument*
functions in
different notes have different frequencies. harmonics change respecting to main frequency. see
to learn more.
combining notes by synthesizing them, we create a music. each note has a duration and a note number. look up
to see how it works.
so now we can generate sounds but we need notes! the funcion read_midi
in file
gets a midi file as input and extracts notes out of it to use.
now we are ready to generate a music from zero!
look up audio*.py
to see how a list of notes by time and some more details can make a nice music!
finally we should save generated audio wave into a .wav (wave) file. the function write_to_file
does it. and when done, it's done!
different tracks in midi file, each have their own instrument. add a support for this
get timing info from midi file
write better instruments.
make documentation for code. maybe rewrite this README file too.
make a wiki for developers so it will be easier to develope.