This project was deleveped as final project of the database discipline taught by the teacher Maísa Soares Dos Santos Lopes from Computer Science Course.
Named as próximo, it's a software that aims to solve a real problem faced by students who consume at the university resturant at UESB, Vitória da Conquista.
To clone and run this application you need to have Git and Docker installed on your computer
In your command line
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
# Run the application through docker
$ docker compose up --build
# Access the application in your browser
$ http://localhost:9000
Now, you need to create an account for the clerk after logging in as the admin with the email [email protected] and password admin. Then, you can access the system as the clerk using the account you just created.
These are the technologies used in this project
Backend: Node.js, Express, MySQL.
Frontend: ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Vite.
See the LICENSE to get more details.