Releases: eclipse-bluechi/bluechi
Releases · eclipse-bluechi/bluechi
Breaking Changes
- ListUnits and ListUnitFiles return a dictionary with node name as key
New Features
- Added new API: StartTransientUnit
- Enabled per node configuration in bluechi-controller
- Enabled setting a required SELinux context for nodes connecting via Unix Domain Socket
- Added Allowed and RequiredSelinuxContext as per-node configuration option
- Added support for running TCP/IP and Unix Domain Sockets (via socket activation) in parallel
- Added Unix Domain Socket support without systemd sock activation
- Updated SELinux policy to work with Unix Domain Sockets
- Updated the python bindings for BlueChi's D-Bus API
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bluechi-is-online system and agent to not accept arguments
- Fixed unterminated string initialization for hexchar function
- Fixed overrunning log_level_to_string for invalid log levels
- Added integration tests for bluechi-is-online
- Disable bluechi-agent-user-bus tests
- Fix flacky node is online subtest
- Added C and C++ examples using BlueChi's D-Bus API
- Removed Vendor and Packager from RPM spec
- man: Update controller.conf docs for new per-node options
- Updated readthedoc with changes of UDS
Detailed commit log
- Post Release v0.9.0 by @engelmi in #984
- Changes for EPEL10 release by @mkemel in #985
- Remove "Vendor:" and "Packager:" from spec by @mkemel in #987
- Updated debian packages and changelog by @engelmi in #988
- Add paramiko to tests pip requirments by @mkemel in #990
- Add c and c++ api examples by @engelmi in #992
- Adding bluechi-is-online installation by @DanaOrr in #993
- Various documentation fixes by @mwperina in #994
- Add integration test for bluechi-is-online agent by @DanaOrr in #996
- Fix finding bluechi-image container by @mwperina in #1002
- Add bluechi_is_online node module and integration test by @nsimsolo in #999
- Disable bluechi-agent-user-bus tests by @engelmi in #1007
- Added Eclipse OCA presentation to resource list by @engelmi in #1003
- Add bluechi_is_online system integration test by @nsimsolo in #1006
- Support uds and tcp in parallel by @engelmi in #1009
- Fixed overrunning log_level_to_string for invalid loglevel by @engelmi in #1011
- Fix peer ip error log by @engelmi in #1012
- Introduce test-specific environment variables by @mkemel in #1014
- Fix selinux policy for uds by @engelmi in #1015
- Update readthedoc by @engelmi in #1016
- Configure Packit to handle downstream builds by @mkemel in #1004
- Add integration test for bluechi-is-online agent with --wait parameter by @DanaOrr in #1013
- Integration test for bluechi-is-online node --monitor by @nsimsolo in #1017
- Add libselinux-devel to build base by @alexlarsson in #1024
- Initial work on limiting what names an agent can register by the seliux context. by @alexlarsson in #1023
- Removed node name duplication in D-Bus API by @engelmi in #1018
- add integration test for bluechi-is-online agent --monitor by @nsimsolo in #1025
- Ignore unterminated string initialization for hexchar by @engelmi in #1030
- Add integration test for bluechi-is-online node with --wait parameter by @DanaOrr in #1028
- Integration test for bluechi-is-online system --monitor by @nsimsolo in #1029
- Added StartTransientUnit API to BlueChi by @engelmi in #1034
- Integration test for bluechi-is-online system --wait by @DanaOrr in #1031
- is-online system and agent shouldn't accept arguments by @mkemel in #1040
- Release BlueChi v0.10.0 by @engelmi in #1044
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0
Breaking Changes
- Refined SELinux policy and set it to enforced by default
New Features
- Eclipse BlueChi supports building Debian packages now
- Added new package: bluechi-is-online
- Added feature: Heartbeat and Threshold from Controller to Agent
- Added feature: Configurable threshold for heartbeat from node to controller
- Added monotinic timestamp to D-Bus API
- Added GetUnitFileState to D-Bus API and is-enabled command to bluechictl
- Added KillUnit to D-Bus API and kill command to bluechictl
- Added ResetFailed and ResetFailedUnit to D-Bus API and respective commands to bluechictl
- Added ListUnitFiles to D-Bus API and list-unit-files command to bluechictl
- Added GetDefaultTarget and SetDefaultTarget to D-Bus API and respective commands to bluechictl
- bluechictl: Added usage functions for specific commands
Bug Fixes
- Changed the register call of bluechi-agent to be asynchronous so it doesn't block SwitchController anymore
- Fixed the order of disconnect and controller address changed on calling SwitchController
- Fixed updating the displayed peer IP when a node changes connection state in bluechictl
- Fixed determining the peer IP address of the agent
- Timeouts for integration test phases are configurable now
- Added integration tests for list-units and list-unit-files on specific node
- Added integration tests for heartbeat
- Fix when running test with
- Fix proxy service propagate failure test
- Added duplicate test id and summary check
- Fixed wrong and duplicate test summaries and ids
- Added additional resources section to readthedocs
- Updated readthedocs for SELinux policy
- Updated API description and spec
- Renamed orch_src to ctrl_src in meson files
- Rename orch_addr to assembled_controller_address
- Moved string and time constants to respective util files
- Added Eclipse BlueChi introduction PDF
Detailed commit log
- Post Release v0.8.0 by @engelmi in #897
- Added missing -y for install in PyPi release step by @engelmi in #898
- Add test for agent connecting to user bus by @mkemel in #899
- Fixed duplicate tmt test ids by @engelmi in #902
- Fixed wrong and duplicate test summaries by @engelmi in #903
- Pin coverage reporter version by @engelmi in #906
- Added script for duplicate test id and summary check by @engelmi in #904
- Fix to get peer ip address by @dofmind in #905
- Replace bluechi-controller by bluechi-agent in docs by @cverna in #908
- Fix CentOS Automotive SIG mailing list URL by @mwperina in #910
- controller: Proactively disconnect node based on heartbeat by @dofmind in #911
- Added debian packaging by @engelmi in #918
- Add list-unit-files command to bluechictl by @trev-allison03 in #915
- Add deb installation to readthedocs by @engelmi in #922
- Refactored ListUnitsRequest and ListUnitFilesRequest by @engelmi in #923
- Use
command instead of shell evaluation by @mwperina in #925 - Add to check the liveness for connection with controller by @dofmind in #920
- Test list-unit-files on a specific node by @mwperina in #926
- Test bluechictl list-units on a specific node by @mwperina in #928
- Replaced tmt duplicate test ID check by @engelmi in #924
- Added additional resources section to readthedocs by @engelmi in #930
- Optimize list-units and list-unit-files tests by @mwperina in #929
- ResetFailed by @ArtiomDivak in #933
- Added documitation by @ArtiomDivak in #937
- Added KillUnit API by @engelmi in #939
- Updated API description and spec by @engelmi in #940
- Refined SELinux policy by @engelmi in #935
- Refactor bluechictl usage by @engelmi in #941
- Fix integration test race conditions by @engelmi in #943
- Added more links to BlueChi blogs and videos by @engelmi in #945
- Fix flaky bluechictl status watch test by @engelmi in #948
- Added Eclipse BlueChi introduction PDF by @engelmi in #949
- Add support for GetUnitFileState API by @mwperina in #953
- Remove ANSI escape sequences from command outputs by @mwperina in #956
- Add GetDefaultTarget and SetDefaultTarget APIs by @ArtiomDivak in #951
- Use CLOCK_MONOTONIC by @dofmind in #957
- Fix bluechictl status watch by @engelmi in #960
- Report to coveralls only if integration tests passed by @mkemel in #963
- Fix when running test with by @dracher in #965
- Correct a mistake in by @ArtiomDivak in #967
- Make integration test timeouts configurable by @engelmi in #970
- Emit ControllerAddress changed signal in SwitchController method by @engelmi in #968
- Make Agent Register request asynchronous by @mkemel in #961
- Remove timeouts for bash exec commands from tests by @mkemel in #974
- Add bluechi is online tool by @engelmi in #964
- Optimize bluechictl-is-enabled test by @mwperina in #975
- Release BlueChi v0.9.0 by @engelmi in #983
New Contributors
- @cverna made their first contribution in #908
- @trev-allison03 made their first contribution in #915
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
Breaking Changes
- Breaking change: Removed obsolete API method Ping
Bug Fixes
- Fixed .conf suffix check for conf.d files
- Fixed memory leaks in bluechi-agent and bluechictl
- Fixed bluechictl when fetching status of multiple services
- Fixed segfault when calling set-loglevel API with invalid loglevel
- Cleanup controller when start fails to prevent memory leaks
New Features
- Added watch option to bluechictl status
- Implemented D-Bus API for cancelling a Job
- Added IP to of registered nodes as D-Bus property and to the ListNodes API
- Added D-Bus properties for LogLevel and LogTarget of bluechi-controller and bluechi-agent
- Added D-Bus on bluechi-agent to switch the bluechi-controller
- Improved the output of bluechictl list-units
- Improved the formatted output of the dumped config of bluechi-controller and bluechi-agent on startup
- bluechictl monitor flushes stdout for each iteration
- Changed output of bluechictl status from stderr to stdout
- BlueChi's SELinux policy has been extended by a tunable policy to dis-/allow any port
- Improved and stabilized the generation of the coverage report
- Integrated coverage reporting with
- Implemented multihost mode to run integration tests on multiple machines
- Introduced dedicated classes for bluechictl, systemctl and systemd services
- Introduced library for python scripts on the testing machines accessing the BlueChi API
- Added a lot of unit and integration tests
- Added BlueChi logo to architecture diagram
- BlueChi Ansible Collection
- Converted the MAN page for the SELinux policy from roff and to markdown format
- Added Security section with SELinux policy of BlueChi
- Added GH workflow for automatic generation of runtime SBOMs
- Added GH workflow for manually triggering mulithost integration tests on testing farm
- Added meson option for building with SELinux policy
- Use project version from centralized script
- Aligned RPM release with release reported by command line tools
- Fedora's latest stable version has been chosen for packit's integration tests
- Badges for unit and integration tests as well as the combined coverage have been added to README
Detailed commit log
- Post Relese v0.7.0 by @engelmi in #715
- fixed workflow for publishing to pypi by @engelmi in #717
- Add Fedora spec changes to upstream by @mwperina in #718
- Retrieve the version from script on publish by @engelmi in #720
- removed unused function from libbluechi by @engelmi in #721
- Merge the info file inside the container by @ArtiomDivak in #719
- Unify unit and integration tests coverage report by @mwperina in #711
- remove unit test file coverage by @engelmi in #728
- Ordered output for python bindings generator by @engelmi in #724
- Add LogLevel and LogTarget properties for controller and agent by @ArtiomDivak in #727
- cleanup controller when start fails by @engelmi in #731
- pin tmt version to 1.30 by @engelmi in #733
- doc: add information about firewall in the docs by @dougsland in #735
- Test for loglevel for controller and agent by @ArtiomDivak in #723
- Tests set-loglevel with invalid input by @ArtiomDivak in #736
- Report to test coverage to Coveralls by @ygalblum in #708
- Add code coverage badge to by @mwperina in #737
- Fix various meson warnings by @mwperina in #738
- Split up parse config function by @engelmi in #739
- changed naming for container to machine by @engelmi in #740
- Update GH actions to latest releases by @mwperina in #742
- introduced a client class in integration tests by @engelmi in #743
- load config from cli option as part of load complete config by @engelmi in #744
- Fix warning about changelog date by @mwperina in #747
- Generate coverage info file for unit test during package build by @mwperina in #746
- dedicated classes for systemctl and bluechictl commands by @engelmi in #745
- Improve logging in integration tests by @mwperina in #750
- Test validity of -h/--help option by @mwperina in #751
- Test validity of -v/--version option by @mwperina in #752
- Add test for disable service in bluechictl by @mwperina in #754
- Test metrics enable and then disable by @mkemel in #755
- Test if bluechictl version is aligned with RPM version by @mwperina in #758
- Remove unused command_ref method by @mwperina in #757
- Detect systemctl operation result for stop action by @mwperina in #756
- Test bluechictl status by @mwperina in #759
- Test that bluechictl list-units aligns with systemctl output by @mwperina in #760
- Remove unused client_ref method by @mwperina in #762
- Add test for bluechictl execution without parameters by @mwperina in #763
- implemented ssh client and test suite by @engelmi in #749
- Test agent connect via ControllerAddress by @ArtiomDivak in #741
- doc: Add BlueChi Ansible Collection information by @dougsland in #764
- added file cleanup for multihost tests by @engelmi in #765
- Test bluechictl restart properly restarts a service by @mwperina in #766
- Always print full service name in bluechictl list-units by @mwperina in #768
- added code of conduct by @engelmi in #771
- added by @engelmi in #770
- replaced pytest-timeout with custom timeout by @engelmi in #773
- added by @engelmi in #774
- Add a test for bluechictl monitor by @mwperina in #776
- Remove unit_list_ref method from method-list-units.c by @mwperina in #782
- Remove controller_ref function from controller/controller.c by @mwperina in #789
- added bluechi-proxy to help option test by @engelmi in #809
- Fix unit test code coverage generation by @mwperina in #811
- added unit test for log_target_to_str by @engelmi in #810
- ReloadUnit test by @ArtiomDivak in #775
- removed obsolete API ping method by @engelmi in #814
- added unit tests for cli/command by @engelmi in #813
- added unit tests for lot to stderr and stderr-full by @engelmi in #812
- added integration test for internal hello method by @engelmi in #815
- added integration test for proxy on non-existing node by @engelmi in #816
- Increase inotify limits for integration tests in GH CI by @mwperina in #820
- Remove workaround for podman-py #350 by @mwperina in #817
- Test DaemonReload by @ArtiomDivak in #818
- Assign default values for copy_systemd_service parameters by @mwperina in #823
- Implement job cancel by @engelmi in #821
- added peer ip to node by @engelmi in #824
- Add micros to millis test by @engelmi in #826
- re-enable list units on all nodes integration test by @engelmi in #827
- Test that bluechictl monitor receives UnitCreated/UnitRemoved signals by @mwperina in
Breaking Changes
- bluechictl: Removed command
monitor node-connection
- DBus-API: Removed method
from controller and agent - Renaming of manager to controller in configuration, API, etc.
New Features
- bluechictl: watch option to
bluechictl status
- bluechictl: flags for
commands - API: System status property on
- API: Extended monitor API by adding and removing peers
- Configuration: TCP KeepAlive options for peer connections
- Configuration: IP_RECV_ERR option for peer connections
Bug Fixes
- Enable quicker tcp error notification by setting IP_RECV_ERR
- Send monitor signals only to peer
- Check for proxy service list being empty instead of NULL on shutdown
- Fixed check that agent started successfully
- Fixed memory leak when assembling monitoring signals
- Integration tests are run with valgrind on testing farm
- Integration tests produce a coverage report in GH workflow
- Added more integration tests for new peer API, -c option and more
- Using the Monitor API of BlueChi
- Securing BlueChi with mTLS and double proxy
- BlueChi logo has been added to the project
- Added error log when at least one list units request fails
- Added log statements when sending monitor signals fail
- Upgraded subproject hashmap.c to v0.7.0
- Introduced pre-shutdown hook to ensure final signals are emitted
- Refactored bluechictl and introduced command pattern
Detailed commit log
- Post Release v0.6.0 by @engelmi in #639
- mark cloned project directory as safe for git by @engelmi in #640
- remove warnings from hashmap lib by @Iiqbal2000 in #636
- Add valgrind test packit job by @mkemel in #641
- Add label to basic integration test packit job by @mkemel in #644
- send monitor signals only to peer by @engelmi in #642
- Update maintainer readme by @engelmi in #645
- Fix remaining URLs pointing to containers/bluechi by @mwperina in #647
- added github workflow for building and pushing base images by @engelmi in #646
- log error when at least one list units request fails by @engelmi in #649
- added infinite loop option to bluechi-tester by @engelmi in #650
- Force python-rich installation for podman-py by @mwperina in #653
- extended monitor API by adding and removing peers by @engelmi in #651
- Add lcov to integration-test-base container by @mwperina in #656
- added integration test shutdown for bluechi by @engelmi in #657
- Add failure message to PR if after merge build fails by @mwperina in #655
- added intregration tests for AddPeer on Monitor API by @engelmi in #654
- removed unused sdbus error variable by @engelmi in #658
- fix CI check for apispec changes by @engelmi in #659
- Docs: Add Securing BlueChi with mTLS and double proxy by @ygalblum in #660
- Monitor peer documentation by @engelmi in #661
- Get HTML file of with code coverage info by @ArtiomDivak in #621
- Add logo to the project by @mwperina in #663
- Use horizontal logo for by @mwperina in #664
- Add BlueChi logo for the organization on GH by @mwperina in #665
- Add logo for social media preview on GH by @mwperina in #666
- Fix typo in social media logo file name by @mwperina in #667
- integration test reconnect: wait a bit after controller has stopped by @engelmi in #669
- enable quicker tcp error notification by @engelmi in #670
- Optimize code coverage processing by @mwperina in #675
- added TCP KeepAlive options to configuration by @engelmi in #673
- Optimize generating code coverage report by @mwperina in #676
- added tmt serial no. to container name by @engelmi in #679
- Small fixes in agent shutdown by @engelmi in #681
- Test for cmd -c option for agent and controller by @ArtiomDivak in #677
- removed D-Bus method Shutdown by @engelmi in #683
- disable llvm-include-order rule for clang-tidy by @engelmi in #685
- Add array of structures aligning to .clang-format by @mkemel in #688
- bluechictl: introduce Method and Command structures by @mkemel in #684
- add a comment for each PR about test coverage by @engelmi in #690
- remove comment workflow by @engelmi in #693
- bluechictl: add flags to enable and disable commands by @mkemel in #692
- Introduced shutdown hook running before exiting event loop by @engelmi in #687
- Add lsof for integration-test-base by @ArtiomDivak in #696
- Fix image workflow by @engelmi in #697
- added status property on manager interface by @engelmi in #695
- use polling instead of sleep for checking processed events by @engelmi in #699
- Test for -c option check if port is changed by @ArtiomDivak in #680
- Configuration parameters prefix - replace Manager with Controller by @ygalblum in #704
- bluechictl: status command to show nodes list by @mkemel in #700
- copy gcno files into dedictated directories by @engelmi in #709
- Rename Manager -> Controller by @mkemel in #712
- Release BlueChi v0.7.0 by @engelmi in #714
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
- Renamed bluechi to bluechi-controller for binary, rpm and documentation
- Snapshot builds are now available in the centos-sig-automotive COPR group
- Moved bluechi binaries to /usr/libexec for auto-completion
- Introduced packit for builds and running integration tests on testing farm
- Introduced clang/LLVM support
- Added properties and signals for connection status and disconnected timestamp to Agent's public API
- Removed duplicate NodeConnectionStateChanged signal from bluechi-controller
- CLI option for the version (-v) prints version and git commit hash for non-release builds
- Extended BlueChi's public D-Bus API specification by inline-comments
- Added EmitsChangedSignal annotation to properties in BlueChi's public D-Bus API specification
- Enhanced typed python bindings generator
- use inline-comments from specification
- provide listener functions for property changed signals
- Added a graceful node shutdown in bluechi-controller
- Extended integration tests to run with valgrind to detect memory leaks
- Improved documentation
- Reworked Getting Started documentation
- Reworked Proxy Service documentation and added examples and limitations
- Aligned and added API examples for Python, Go and Rust
What's Changed
- Post release 0.5.0 by @engelmi in #540
- Fix examples in bluechi's documentation on readthedocs by @pypingou in #541
- api-examples: add ruby list_nodes.rb by @dougsland in #542
- Automate creating a GitHub release by @engelmi in #545
- Remove execution bit from Python examples by @mwperina in #547
- Enable COPR repo using dnf in integration tests container by @mwperina in #548
- Fix examples license to CC0-1.0 by @mwperina in #546
- Extended the D-Bus API specification by @engelmi in #554
- Gather journal from test executor host by @mwperina in #553
- Extend typed python generator by @engelmi in #555
- Increase default timeout for tests to 45 seconds by @mwperina in #559
- Change license of API and python bindings examples to MIT-0 by @engelmi in #560
- removed duplicate NodeConnectionState signal by @engelmi in #556
- adds a status and disconnected timestamp property to the agent interface by @engelmi in #558
- Use python logging infrastructure inside tests by @mwperina in #562
- Improve documentation api examples by @engelmi in #563
- Add option to enable code coverage support when building RPMs by @ArtiomDivak in #512
- Rename
by @mwperina in #570 - Move BlueChi daemons to
by @mwperina in #573 - remove sudo from tests readme for base image creation by @mkemel in #576
- Introduce running integration tests with valgrind by @mkemel in #575
- Save .gcno files after meson build by @ArtiomDivak in #574
- Enforce enabling tty for exec_run by @mwperina in #581
- Tests - collect host logs only from the start time of the test by @ygalblum in #587
- Allow changing log level for integration tests from command line by @mwperina in #584
- Fix incorrect unref leading to invalid read by @mkemel in #585
- Improve integration tests stability by @mwperina in #579
- Fix missing symbol when renaming logging instance variable by @mwperina in #588
- Update CODEOWNERS by @mwperina in #586
- Improve SPDX header checks by @mwperina in #583
- Add description to
by @mwperina in #582 - fix invalid read on disconnecting anonymous node by @engelmi in #592
- fixed api description for register method by @engelmi in #598
- extend getting started documentation by @engelmi in #595
- Rename bluechi RPM to bluechi-controller by @mwperina in #597
- Move snapshot COPR repo under centos-sig-automotive group by @mwperina in #601
- close fd in create_tcp_socket by @ericcurtin in #602
- Containerize RPM build to ensure CentOS-Stream9 RPMs by @ygalblum in #600
- split getting started page into multiple subpages by @engelmi in #605
- Dedicated architecture section in docs by @engelmi in #607
- added api examples for rust by @engelmi in #609
- Get gcda and gcno files from containers. by @ArtiomDivak in #594
- Add test case IDs to automate report of results by @pbrilla-rh in #611
- Remove integration tests specific network setup by @mwperina in #612
- Small integration tests improvements by @mwperina in #613
- improve error messages returned from dbus api by @Iiqbal2000 in #608
- Simplify installation of bluechi-coverage package in tests by @mwperina in #610
- FFI: initial bluechi-tester tool by @dougsland in #615
- added option for building with static analysis by @engelmi in #616
- Add metrics start unit test by @engelmi in #617
- fix issues detected by gcc -fanalyzer option by @engelmi in #618
- enable -fanalyzers malloc leak detection by @engelmi in #624
- Introduce clang/LLVM to build-base by @ericcurtin in #623
- Agent - Save ManagerAddress in context and use in ensure by @ygalblum in #625
- Introduce clang/LLVM support by @ericcurtin in #622
- extend documentation of proxy services by @engelmi in #626
- switch to hashmap.c in eclipse-bluechi organization by @engelmi in #628
- re-enable proxy service fails on execstart integration test by @engelmi in #627
- changed Conflicts= to be not supported in documentation by @engelmi in #631
- Add integration test unsubscribe by @engelmi in #632
- Introduce support for packit builds by @mwperina in #488
- Aligns build targets for bluechi-snapshot packit builds by @mwperina in #633
- fix race condition for [email protected] by @engelmi in #634
- setting pointers to NULL after free by @engelmi in #629
- Move version to dedicated script by @engelmi in #635
- graceful node shutdown when manager destroyed by @mkemel in #630
- mark current directory as safe when creating archive by @engelmi in #638
- Release BlueChi 0.6.0 by @engelmi in #637
New Contributors
- @ericcurtin made their first contribution in #602
- @pbrilla-rh made their first contribution in #611
- @Iiqbal2000 made their first contribution in #608
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
- New project name: BlueChi
- License changes:
- BlueChi project from GPL-2.0-or-later to LGPL-2.1-or-later
- API examples to CC0-1.0
- Typed python bindings package to CC0-1.0
- New feature: freeze and thaw units
- Improved configuration file parsing:
- Increased maximum line length to 500
- Added multi-line support
- Clearer error messages when parsing fails
- Typed python bindings: property annotation for D-Bus property added
- Bug fixes:
- heartbeat interval of 0 disables it instead of spamming the signal
- disconnecting, anonymous node doesn't lead to a segfault anymore
- some minor memory leaks have been fixed
- Examples for using GoLang to access the D-Bus API have been added
- Examples for using Rust to access the D-Bus API have been added
- Added CLI option for all binaries to print the version
- Changed the default log target to be journald
What's Changed
- Post release 0.4.0 by @engelmi in #385
- Documintation for SetLogLevel by @ArtiomDivak in #376
- Add bindings to mkdocs by @engelmi in #386
- Specify that the systemd license is GPLv2+ by @pypingou in #388
- config: load default config from source by @dougsland in #394
- Prevent continuous heartbeats by @engelmi in #395
- Get hirte version through CLI by @ArtiomDivak in #404
- info: show hirte version in the start by @dougsland in #407
- README.developer: add debug information by @dougsland in #422
- fix segfault on disconnected anonymous node by @engelmi in #429
- increase max line length in ini files by @engelmi in #428
- increase maximum line length of inih by @engelmi in #433
- Add coverage report generation for tests by @sandrobonazzola in #436
- build-base: add tools for coverage reports by @sandrobonazzola in #438
- Use correct architecture within container builds by @mwperina in #439
- containers minimization by @sandrobonazzola in #440
- Fix detecting architecture within container builds by @mwperina in #441
- unit-tests: generate coverage for unit tests by @sandrobonazzola in #442
- Proposal: integrate external libraries as subproject by @engelmi in #432
- test: add getaddress mock by @dougsland in #445
- tests: update tmt instructions by @dougsland in #453
- Maintain Python 3.9 compatibility for integration tests by @mwperina in #458
- bluechi: rename source code and build systems by @dougsland in #460
- Mention that BlueChi used to be called hirte by @pypingou in #466
- Update SELinux policy for hirte by @rhatdan in #463
- Install gcc-c++ as a depedency for SRPM creation for COPR build by @mwperina in #470
- Add gcc-c++ to the spec build requirements by @mwperina in #471
- Update quay organization for images and support multiplatform container base by @engelmi in #472
- Use the new Quay repo name for BlueChi by @mwperina in #473
- Fix the BlueChi architecture diagram to no longer mention hirte by @pypingou in #475
- Change the license of API examples to CC0-1.0 by @mwperina in #476
- Change the license of python bluechi module examples to CC0-1.0 by @mwperina in #478
- Make building python3-bluechi conditional by @mwperina in #479
- Check SPDX header in Python files by @mwperina in #465
- Use macro value for conditional build instead of bcond by @mwperina in #480
- build: rename spdx-header-chech by @dougsland in #484
- integration tests: invalid bluechi agent port by @dougsland in #482
- Python bindings in integration tests by @engelmi in #485
- integration test: add missing f in string by @dougsland in #491
- fix small memory leak by @engelmi in #493
- integration test: add agent loglevel test by @dougsland in #490
- integration test: add agent LogIsQuiet test by @dougsland in #492
- Add operations for FreezeUnit and ThawUnit by @irishair in #489
- Add freezer state in bluechictl status output by @irishair in #497
- Manager - reuse passthrough functions for freeze and thaw by @ygalblum in #498
- Add coverage enable/disable option for meson by @ArtiomDivak in #494
- added integration test for the automatic reconnect of the bluechi-agent by @engelmi in #496
- Bluechi Manager - use the passthrough function when possible by @ygalblum in #501
- forward the error when setting default cfg values fails by @engelmi in #502
- added integration test for wildcard subscription with reconnecting node by @engelmi in #505
- Add log unit tests by @engelmi in #503
- Extend cfg unit tests by @engelmi in #504
- Add intergration test for freeze and thaw by @irishair in #500
- Relicense the project to LGPL-2.1-or-later by @mwperina in #506
- updated bluechi python bindings by @engelmi in #507
- Add cfg load complete configuration unit test by @engelmi in #508
- added integration test for monitoring specific unit by @engelmi in #511
- added integration test for wildcard subscriptions by @engelmi in #509
- fix multi-arch build for test images by @engelmi in #513
- aarch64 run on c9s aarch fixes by @Yarboa in #514
- Add integration test monitor multiple units by @engelmi in #515
- bindings: add reference to examples by @dougsland in #518
- update by @dougsland in #521
- Integration tests for unit properties by @engelmi in #517
- Fix due to aboot machine tests by @Yarboa in #516
- added integration test for bluechi with invalid values of the port by @engelmi in #523
- added integration test for running bluechi-agent alongside bluechi by @engelmi in #526
- doc/examples: golang - list_nodes.go by @dougsland in #528
- added integration test for trying to connect with an anonymous node by @engelmi in #527
- doc: update golang dbus version to the latest by @dougsland in #532
- Re-add into markdown lint checked files by @mwperina in #534
- integration tests: add LogTarget tests by @dougsland in #530
- integration tests: wait_for_unit_state_to_be by @dougsland in #538
- rust: add module generation by @dougsland in #537
- Release BlueChi 0.5.0 by @engelmi in #539
New Contributors
- @sandrobonazzola made their first contribution in #436
- @irishair made their first contribution in #489
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
- Support of FQDN and IPv6
- Typed (autogenerated) python bindings as RPM package and on PyPI (see
- Set log level D-Bus API
- Monitoring of node status
What's Changed
- Integration tests - fail the test when it actually failed by @ygalblum in #328
- added integration test for enabling a unit by @engelmi in #332
- hirtectl monitor is documented to handle no options by @rhatdan in #330
- Simplify the test metadata to prevent duplication by @psss in #336
- Signal on agent online offline by @engelmi in #335
- Update mkdocs by @engelmi in #341
- Always attach unit test logs to artifacts by @mwperina in #346
- agent: add support to FQDN in ManagerHost by @dougsland in #340
- network: add dual stack by @dougsland in #348
- doc: add hirte-ctl in getting started by @ewchong in #349
- python module for hirte by @dougsland in #339
- hirtectl - implement getting remote unit status by @ygalblum in #350
- log: improve timestamps on stderr log output by @mkemel in #321
- fixed get_address unit test by @engelmi in #354
- Use proper string size in get_address_test.c by @mwperina in #356
- portable print for uint64_t timestamps milliseconds by @engelmi in #357
- added typecast to uintptr_t for subscription pointer by @engelmi in #355
- Allow CI to run on stable branches by @mwperina in #359
- agent: move the IPV4 and IPV6 validation by @dougsland in #353
- Enhance ipv4 ipv6 handling by @engelmi in #363
- split get address test into success and failure cases by @engelmi in #366
- check only for success or failure instead of error code by @engelmi in #367
- removed not implemented KillUnit from api description by @engelmi in #365
- Pytest - explicitly set confcutdir by @ygalblum in #370
- rpm: add python3-hirte package by @dougsland in #351
- Set Log Level API by @ArtiomDivak in #347
- Hirtectl - Fix endless loop in status call by @ygalblum in #372
- aligned more APIs in description with actual implementation by @engelmi in #368
- get_hostname: move to network module by @dougsland in #374
- Integration Tests - check if active using hirtectl by @ygalblum in #377
- manager: remove stop() by @dougsland in #375
- Node last seen timestamp by @engelmi in #379
- Generate API clients based on description by @engelmi in #373
- updated developer readme by @engelmi in #381
- Rpm package python bindings by @engelmi in #380
- fixed python bindings rpm package name by @engelmi in #383
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0