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👶 good first issue 🍼
:baby: good first issue :baby_bottle:
Good for newcomers
📖 Research 📚
:book: Research :books:
Research, benchmarking, and prototyping
👯 duplicate 👯
:dancers: duplicate :dancers:
This issue or pull request already exists
👷 Development Task 🏗️
👷 Development Task :building_construction:
This is work in progress
❗ wontfix ❗
:exclamation: wontfix :exclamation:
This will not be worked on
🎖️ Development Plan 🗺️
:medal_military: Development Plan :world_map:
Plan being implemented
📝 documentation 📝
:memo: documentation :memo:
Improvements or additions to documentation
🙅 invalid 🙅
:no_good: invalid :no_good:
This doesn't seem right
🛂 Code Administration 🛃
:passport_control: Code Administration :customs:
Work related to code administration
❓ question ❓
:question: question :question:
Further information is requested
🆘 help wanted 🆘
:sos: help wanted :sos:
Extra attention is needed
👾 bug 👾
:space_invader: bug :space_invader:
Something isn't working
🤩 enhancement 💥
:star_struck: enhancement :boom:
New feature or request
📐 Planning 📔
:triangular_ruler: Planning 📔
Planning work on going