Releases: earthdaily/qgis-plugin
Releases · earthdaily/qgis-plugin
Release v1.4.0
- Support for Earth daily API version 5 - #278 and #305
- Plugin renamed to Earth daily - #324
- Implemented RX maps creation, patching and download - #333, #380, #426 and #431
- Hotspots updates to use latest API endpoints and respective filters update - #334, #340 and #342.
- Updates to the plugin description and about page links - #320, #324 and #327
- Option page changed to remove field location selection - #310
- Updates on the map coverage search filters and parameters - #303, #304, #309 and #335
- Fixed zoning in map creation output formats - #392
Release v1.1.3
- Fix for SAMZ thumbnail. Will from now on use the NDVI thumbnail.
- Weather types has been added as a parameter.
- Sample maps can now be created. This allows a user to provide a point vector layer and a field to generate a Sample map.
- SAMZ can be custom and automatic now. I no SAMZ coverage is selected, automatic SAMZ is generated. Custom will depend on the selected coverages.
Release v1.1.2
- Coverage API update for SAMZ, YGM and YPM maps.
- Bugs fix, auto tracking of past selected layers when searching coverages.
Release v1.1.0
- Support for CVIN, LAI, Nitrogen, SOIL, Top of Canopy reflectance, S2REP, BRM and Model maps.
- Updates to the plugin documentation.
- Include the plugin LICENSE in the plugin repository.
- Changed plugin main icon, logo, contacts information.
- New parameters added to the Hotspot creation section.
- Added additional crop types.
- Fixed bugs in plugin tests and in different maps creation workfllows.