The projects contained in this repository were made with the purpose of learning C from its compilation to its structure for coding.
- 0x01 Hello World - Introduction to C programming language. Understanding the compiling process and learning basic commands of C.
- 0x01 Variables, if, else, while - Learning conditional statements and loops
- 0x02 Functions, nested loops - Statements inside statements
- 0x03 Debugging - Learning to review code
- 0x04 More functions, more nested loops
- 0x05 Pointers, arrays and strings - Learning about pointers and the <string.h> library
- 0x06 More pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x07 Even more pointers, arrays and strings
- 0x08 Recursion - Functions inside the same function
- 0x09 Static libraries -
- 0x0A argc, argv -
- 0x0B malloc, free -
- 0x0C More malloc, free -
- 0x0D Preprocessor -
- 0x0E Structures, typedef -
- 0x0F Function pointers -
- 0x10 Variadic functions -
- 0x11 printf -
- 0x12 Singly linked lists -
- 0x13 More singly linked lists -
- 0x14 Bit manipulation -
- 0x15 File I/O -
- 0x17 Doubly linked lists -
- 0x18 Dynamic libraries -
- 0x19 Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO -
- 0x1A Hash tables -
- 0x1B Sorting algorithms & Big O -
- 0x1C Makefiles -
Made by Estéfano Misme by Holberton School.