turns an image into a gif of conway's game of life
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/pixelator --help
Usage: pixelator.exe [OPTIONS] --path
-p, --path path to image
-o, --output-directory <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> Output directory. ./output/ if none given
-g, --generations Number of steps in the game of life [default: 100]
-d, --decay How much alpha values reduce each step [default: 32]
-b, --background "white"/"w", "black"/"b", "#RRGGBB" [default: b]
-m, --mode Select "dark" or "light" mode for colour mapping options. Default = "random"
-s, --speed Set true for faster lossy gif rendering
-w, --width Output pixel width dimension using pixelation effect. Default is original image size. Smaller picture sizes result in exponentially faster renders
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
./target/release/pixelator -p "./images/jupiter.png" -o "./example_gifs/" -w 100
./target/release/pixelator -p "./images/shyguy.png" -o "./example_gifs/"