This is PhonePe Payment Gateway SDK for the PhonePe API.
PhonePe is India’s most trusted digital payment partner. To help you with your business, we have launched PhonePe Payment Gateway. This helps you seamlessly process 100% online payments from your customers and is absolutely secure. We are also equipped to handle large-scale transactions with best-in-class success rates.
Flexible integration: Our pre-built checkout integration fits easily into any business requirement. User-friendly SDKs & Plugins: Integrate easily across any web platform and mobile applications Wide range of Payment methods: Accept payments through debit/credit cards, UPI, and net banking. User-friendly dashboard: Efficiently manage and track your transactions, settlements, refunds, and customer issues.
Pull requests are more than welcome. I have created with clean code and developer and begginer user friendly for easy to use and implement also i have tested our code many time its better for use.
If you are using any other payment methods, please create a pull request with your solution, and I will merge it.
composer require dwivedianuj9118/phonepe-payment-gateway dev-main
- Creating a index.php
use Dwivedianuj9118\PhonePePaymentGateway\PhonePe;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new PhonePe('PHONEPE_MERCHANTID','PHONEPE_SALTKEY',PHONEPE_SALTINDEX);//merchantId,SaltKey,SaltIndex after onboarding PhonePe Payment gateway you will got this.
$merchantTransactionId='MUID' . substr(uniqid(), -6);// Uqique Randoe transcation Id
$merchantOrderId='Order'.mt_rand(1000,99999);// orderId
$amount=100;// Amount in Paisa or amount*100
$redirectUrl="/success.php";// Redirect Url after Payment success or fail
$mode="PRODUCTION"; // MODE or PAYMENT UAT(test) or PRODUCTION(production)
$callbackUrl="/success.php";//Callback Url after Payment success or fail get response
$mobileNumber=9876543210;//Mobile No
$data=$config->PaymentCall("$merchantTransactionId","$merchantOrderId","$amount","$redirectUrl","$callbackUrl","$mobileNumber","$mode");// call function to get response form phonepe like url,msg,status
//header('Location:'. $data['url']);//use when you directly want to redirect to phonepe gateway
echo $data['url']; // here you get url after initiated PhonePe gateway
use Dwivedianuj9118\PhonePePaymentGateway\PhonePe;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if($check['status']=='SUCCESS' && $check['responseCode']==200) {
return 'Payment Success';
return 'Payment Failed';
use Dwivedianuj9118\PhonePePaymentGateway\PhonePe;
require './vendor/autoload.php';
$callbackUrl='';//callback url to get response use webhook site
$refund=$config->PaymentRefund('PHONEPE_MERCHANTID',$refundid, merchantTransactionId,$callbackUrl,$amount, $mode);