We want to be able to deposit hybrid or integrative models into PDB-dev. These are models that are not necessarily atomic (e.g. parts or all of the system may be coarse grained) and are derived by integrating information from multiple sources. Examples include
- Modeling of the Nup84 subcomplex of the Nuclear Pore Complex (Sali Lab), by combining comparative models with crosslinking and EM class averages, representing subunits as beads (1, 10, or 20 residues per bead).
- ATG1-complex (Hummer Lab): Tetramer of tetramers (Atg17-Atg31-Atg29-Atg1-Atg13), 4448 residues. Missing residues and loops modeled as flexible linkers (3 rigid domains, 52 linkers). EROS refined coarse-grained simulations (COMPLEXES, 1AA =1bead) using SAXS data. Ensemble of ~100 dynamic structures.
More examples can be found in the set of use cases.
Note that we always need more use cases, to expose issues with the existing file formats. Furthermore, actual raw data for each example is vitally important.
Existing PDB format is not sufficient since it assumes atomic structures, and only supports a small number of input experimental data sources (e.g. X-ray crystallography, NMR).
We propose extending the existing mmCIF format to store this information since
- mmCIF is designed to be extensible
- PDB is already moving traditional atomic structures to mmCIF format
- several libraries for handling mmCIF files are already available
- there is reasonable support from viewers (e.g. UCSF Chimera)
- alternative formats for coarse-grained structures (e.g. RMF) don't store all the information we're interested in, and aren't widely supported outside of UCSF (IMP, Chimera)
We plan to support integrative/hybrid models by means of an mmCIF extension dictionary, ihm-extension.dic. Since this merely extends the existing mmCIF specification, "traditional" data (such as atomic coordinates) can be stored just as in regular mmCIF files.
A number of examples of using the dictionary are provided. One such example contains the structures derived by the Sali lab for the Nup84 complex, above.
Discussion on the file formats is conducted via email - please subscribe to the mailing list.
We also meet weekly via Skype to discuss issues. All are welcome to join some or all meetings.
To get an email every time this GitHub repository is updated, please subscribe to the IHM-mmCIF-commits mailing list.
Ultimately, models will be deposited into PDB-dev. In order for this to work in a semi-automated fashion, integrative/hybrid modeling packages need to support the mmCIF file format and the IHM extension. See the deposition directory for the current status of software support.
For more details, see the extension dictionary documentation.
The extension dictionary aims to cover:
- Input data (e.g. crosslinks, EM map, EM class average, subunit structures)
- For example, crosslinks ("residue I in protein A is linked to residue J
in protein B") directly from the experiment are stored in the
mmCIF category. - PDB IDs or homology/comparative models are listed in the
category and their coordinates in_ihm_starting_model_coord
- For example, crosslinks ("residue I in protein A is linked to residue J
in protein B") directly from the experiment are stored in the
- Our interpretation of the data (e.g. ambiguity, segmentation)
- For example, with the crosslink above there may be multiple copies of
proteins A or B, while residues I or J may not exist or may be
represented at a lower resolution. The modeling interpretation of these
crosslinks is described in the
category. - Our model may correspond to only a subset of the experimental data (e.g. an EM map may be of a complex and we're only modeling a subcomplex) or vice versa (e.g. we're modeling a complex and we have EM class averages for subcomplexes created by domain deletion).
- Note that we do not store raw restraints in the file, since we consider these to be implementation details. At least for IMP, the software, and our approaches to solve modeling problems, are constantly changing, so it would be futile to try to capture every last parameter (particularly since ideally models are refined and rebuilt with newer or different software as new experimental information becomes available). For "perfect" reproduction of the inputs we link to the archive holding the raw modeling inputs (Python scripts in IMP's case).
- For example, with the crosslink above there may be multiple copies of
proteins A or B, while residues I or J may not exist or may be
represented at a lower resolution. The modeling interpretation of these
crosslinks is described in the
- Multi-scale models; e.g. parts of the system may be represented atomically
or with 1 residue beads if input structures are available; other parts may
represented with 20 residue beads (e.g. disordered regions or regions with
sequence but no known structure). Parts of the system may be
represented at multiple such resolutions simultaneously. See the
mmCIF category. - Multi-state models; multiple states (e.g. open and closed) may exist
simultaneously such that some or all of the collected experimental
information (e.g. crosslinks) reflects more than one state, and cannot
be satisfied by a single model. The mmCIF file contains all states modeled,
with links to the sets of experiments consistent with each
state (if known). See the
category. - Time-ordered models; multiple models may be deposited that represent
a trajectory, reaction cycle/pathway, or other time-ordered relationship.
The mmCIF file stores a simple directed graph of these models (as a set
of edges). See the
category. - Output representation (cluster representatives)
- Coarse-grained coordinates (spherical or 3D Gaussian beads); see the
categories. The format can easily be extended to add other representations. - Atomic coordinates can use existing PDB-style fields (atom_site).
- Non-Cartesian values (e.g. Bayesian parameters or nuisances)
- Coarse-grained coordinates (spherical or 3D Gaussian beads); see the
- Ensemble info (number & size of clusters); see
. - Other metadata (e.g. publications, software versions used) using standard
mmCIF categories (e.g.
). - Basic validation (how well do the models fit the data, are they minima,
violations of crosslinks etc.)
- For example, crosslink satisfaction in the final models is stored in
- For example, crosslink satisfaction in the final models is stored in
Where possible, we link to existing databases (e.g. EMDB, EMPIAR, PRIDE) rather
than trying to duplicate the data in the mmCIF. For example, an EM map is
simply represented with an EMDB ID. For data not currently available in a
repository, we use a DOI (see the _ihm_dataset_other
For example, there is currently no repository for
EM class averages (EMDB stores maps; EMPIAR stores micrographs that were used
to generate a map). Those used by the Sali lab in the Nup84 study were uploaded
to GitHub and then archived at zenodo.org, which assigns a permanent DOI,
in this case 10.5281/zenodo.46266.
In other cases the data may be available in the supplementary information of
a publication, in which case the publisher-assigned DOI can be used.
There is currently basic support for visualization of IHM mmCIF models in nightly builds of UCSF ChimeraX.