A (very) simple webapp to track finances.
I wanted to play around with htmx and symfony, so here we are.
- symfony
- htmx
- tailwind
- sqlite
color palette is catpuccin
- making a spa with htmx and symfony
- htmx & symfony: the pleasure of purified web development | the poc repo
- budget graph
- graph is displayed next to the budget value
- transaction of the last seven days are used
- grouped by day + hours
- tagging
- there are tags that can be assigned to transactions
- can be assigned at transaction creation or added afterwards
- multiple tags can be assigned
- input field
- entering something fuzzy finds existing tags
- user can select one of the existing ones
- if no matches are found, the entered value becomes a new tag
- i18n
- user can switch between english/german
- every text is translated
- routes? (probably not)
- dark mode
- user can switch between light/dark mode