This is an attempt to make Banner easier to use.
Features built in:
- auto play banner with ViewPager
- custom simple indicator base on CircleIndicator
<declare-styleable name="DdIndicator">
<attr name="dd_width" format="dimension"/>
<attr name="dd_height" format="dimension"/>
<attr name="dd_margin" format="dimension"/>
<attr name="dd_animator" format="reference"/>
<attr name="dd_animator_reverse" format="reference"/>
<attr name="dd_drawable" format="reference"/>
<attr name="dd_drawable_unselected" format="reference"/>
<declare-styleable name="DbBanner">
<attr name="dd_targetX" format="integer"/>
<attr name="dd_targetY" format="integer"/>
<attr name="dd_loop_delay" format="integer"/>
<attr name="dd_change_duration" format="integer"/>
Step 1.Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.doubleDragon:DdBanner:v1.4.1'
Not complete