The filter for angular.js based on moment.js(
Get the dependencies:
bower install angular-moment-filter --save
or just includeindex.js
anyhow. -
Inject moment-filter to your app
angular.module('yourModule', ['moment-filter']);
{{input | moment:"function":"param1":"param2":...}}
is equivalent to
moment(input).function(param1, param2, ...)
input: data valid for moment(), string(e.g. "2014-11-01"), object(e.g new Date), etc. If you need to pass multiple strings as parameter for moment(), use array(e.g. [param1, param2] for moment(param1, param2))
function: function in
, e.g. format, fromNow, subtract, etc. (Note, you should pass a function name as a string, use{{str | moment : "fromNow"}}
rather than{{str | moment : fromNow}}
) -
params: params passed to
, each separated by:
To chain methods, just use another pipe:
{{str | moment:"subtract":1:'ms' | moment:"quarter"}}
-> moment(str).subtract(1, 'ms').quarter()
See test.html
or this Plunker:
- Angular.js filter usage doc:
- moment.js doc: