Note: This was a class project where I wanted to learn about neural networks. If you want to do text detection in images, I suggest that you use something like this approach.
The repository contains a set of scripts to implement text detection from screen images. The idea is that we use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to predict a heatmap of the probability of text in an image. But before we can predict anything, we need to train the network with a a set of pairs of images and training labels. We obtain the training data by extracting figures with embedded text from research papers.
This is a very involved process and you may want to use the labels that I already generated (you are welcome). We have around 500K good labels extracted from around 1M papers from arXiv and the ACL anthology.
PDF files, extracted figures and labels are in an S3 bucket at s3://
. The PDF files for arXiv (extracted from arXiv bulk access) are in a separate bucket at s3://arxiv-tars-pdfs
. The buckets have requester pays enabled.
Please cite the paper for this repo as
doi = {10.21105/joss.00235},
url = {},
year = {2017},
month = jul,
publisher = {The Open Journal},
volume = {2},
number = {15},
pages = {235},
author = {Dominik Moritz},
title = {Text detection in screen images with a Convolutional Neural Network},
journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software}
Install OpenCV with python support. Also install scipy, matplotlib, and numpy for python (either through pip or apt). Also install freetype, ghostscript, imagemagic, and tesseract. Please check the compatible versions of pdffigures with your OS.
You can run this locally or on a server. I tested every script locally on a mac without any problems. Below are instructions for Linux.
The scripts use pdffigures to generate a JSON file that describes each figure in a paper.
These are the steps I had to run to generate the training data an EC2 machines on AWS. The execution is embarrassingly parallel and thus runs reasonably fast (a few hours to a day or two for a million papers). At the time of writing, I ran this on Ubuntu 14.04, but later version may work as well with some small modifications.
The commands below are what I used to extract the images and generate the labels. As described above, you don't need to rerun this unless you want to use different papers than the ones I already extracted figures from (see above). If you want to run the code, you need to change the output S3 bucket to a bucket that you have write access to.
# use tmux (maybe with attach)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-opencv python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ghostscript libmagickwand-dev libfreetype6 parallel
git clone
cd label_generator
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo apt-get install libpoppler-dev libleptonica-dev pkg-config
# we need gcc 4.9
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-4.9
# compile pdffigures
make -C pdffigures DEBUG=0 CC='g++-4.9 -std=c++11'
# at this point, you probably need to make a copy of the config file and update it
# test with one file
python read-s3 acl_anthology/pdf/C08-1099.pdf acl_anthology
# get list of documents to process
aws s3 --region=us-west-2 ls s3:// | awk '{ print $4 }' > acl_papers.txt
# now run for real
parallel --resume -j +6 --no-run-if-empty --eta --joblog /tmp/par.log python read-s3 acl_anthology/pdf/{} acl_anthology --dbg-image :::: acl_papers.txt
# monitor progress
tail -f /tmp/par.log
# find bad labels
python read-s3 acl_anthology/json > anthology_bad.txt
# you probably want to use this file to delete bad labels before you use it to train the CNN
# Use: parallel rm -f data/{}-label.png :::: anthology_bad.txt
# run find bad in parallel
seq {0,19} | parallel -j 20 --eta python read-s3 arxiv/json --chunk={} --of=20 '>' arxiv_bad_{}.txt
cat arxiv_bad_*.txt > arxiv_bad.txt
# at this point you may want to upload the file with bad labels back to S3
These are some common errors I have experienced.
I don't see my output Try --debug
and make sure that you have the correct folders set up if you use S3.
Failed to initialize libdc1394 sudo ln /dev/null /dev/raw1394
ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found. See emcconville/wand#141
python read testdata/paper.pdf /tmp/test --dbg-image --debug
python read-s3 test/pdf/C08-1092.pdf test/ --dbg-image --debug
I used a different machine for training the network because AWS doesn't have good graphics cards.
You can use any CNN to get the prediction but I use pjreddie/darknet. My fork is at domoritz/darknet and a submodule of this repo.
To train the network, you need to put all figures and labels into one directory. Then generate a file called train.list
in /data
. You can generate this file with ls . | grep -v -- "-label.png" | awk '{print "PATH_TO_FILES/"$1}' > ../all.list
in the directory with all the images. Then split the file into training and test data.
Then train the network with ./darknet writing train cfg/writing.cfg
. This will generate a weight file every now and then. If for some reason some files are missing labels, use a python script like this to filter out files that don't have labels.
import sys
import os.path
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
for fname in f:
fname = fname.strip()
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
print fname
lname = fname[:-4] + "-label.png"
if not os.path.isfile(lname):
print fname
You need a trained network. To test the network, run echo "PATH_TO_FILES/FIGURE.png" | ./darknet writing test cfg/writing.cfg ../writing_backup/writing_ITER.weights
. If you append out
, a prediction will be written to out.png
A prediction looks like this
If you want to test the network on all your test data, use a script like
for i in `cat $1` ; do
fname=`basename $i .png`
echo $i | ./darknet writing test cfg/writing.cfg ../writing_backup/writing_8500.weights PATH_FOR_PREDICTIONS/$fname-predicted
and run it with your list of training data as the input. This will write all the predictions into a directory. If you feel like moving all your other files (the ground truth, images and such), use a command like cat test.list | xargs cp -t PATH_FOR_PREDICTIONS
Cool, now we have a bunch of images in one directory. Let's find out what the precision and recall are. First, create a list of all the files in the directory with ls | grep -- "-predicted.png" > _all.list
. Then just run python ../predicted/predicted/_all.list
After all this work, we can finally generate a prediction, find contours, fit boxes around contours and find text with tesseract. To do so, run python PREDICTION FIGURE_IMAGE --debug
. You may see something like
Please ask questions and files issues on GitHub.
Contributions are welcome. Development happens on GitHub at domoritz/label_generator. When sending a pull request, please compare the output of python read testdata/paper.pdf /tmp/test
with the images in testoutput