A REST API for tagging and entity extraction of documents. It can extract entity information in several languages like Norwegian, English and Spanish.
# Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:domenicosolazzo/jroc.git
Add an instance folder with a config.py, if you want to override some of the configuration values in your local installation.
- DEBUG[True|False]: Enable / Disable debugging for the Flask app (Default: False)
- SECRET_KEY: This is a secret key that is used by Flask to sign cookies. It should be a random value
- BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME: Username for the basic auth
- BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: Password for the basic auth
- OBT_TYPE: Type of Oslo-Bergen tagger. Check below for the possible values.
### Options for OBT_TYPE
##### tag-bm.sh
CG and statistical disambiguation, bokmål
##### tag-nostat-bm.sh
CG disambiguation only, bokmål
##### tag-nostat-nn.sh
CG disambiguation only, nynorsk
For activating basic auth, you need to set both BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD
Install Docker
(Mac Only)
# Run this command to make docker working on your terminal eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Install the Heroku plugin for Docker (Only the first time)
heroku plugins:install heroku-container-tools
- Create your heroku app
heroku create <heroku_app_name>
- Use Docker Compose
# It build a new image without using the cache
docker-compose build --no-cache
# Or you can use the cached image
docker-compose build
While building a docker image, sometimes can happen that you are consuming all the space in your harddrive. In that case, run these commands before building the image again:
docker-machine rm default
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- Create a symlink for Dockerfile.local to Dockerfile
ln -s Dockerfile.local Dockerfile
- Run the web instance with Docker Compose
docker-compose up web
- Check if it is running on your browser
$ open "http://$(docker-machine ip default):8080"
- Build the image with Docker Compose
# It build a new image without using the cache
docker-compose build --no-cache
# Or you can use the cached image
docker-compose build
- Run docker:release
heroku container:release
- Create your virtualenv
virtualenv <env> && source <env>/bin/activate
Additional repositories Clone these repos in the main folder of the project
- The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger
- OBT-Stat: You have to clone inside the one above.
- Copy the correct mtag file for your OS in The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger/bin
cp jroc/bin/<mtag-for-your-OS> The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger/bin/mtag chmod +x The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger/bin/mtag
Enviromental variables
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
Install vislcg3 on your machine
Run the tests
nosetests --with-watch --with-isolation
# With coverage
nosetests --with-watch --with-isolation --with-coverage
N.B. If you get an IOError while running the tests, try to create a tmp folder in the root of the project.
Error Example
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: <folder here>
How to use the analyze endpoint
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":"text_here"}' http://<your-app-domain>/tagger/analyze
How to use the entities endpoint
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":"text_here"}' http://<your-app-domain>/tagger/entities
How to use the tags endpoint
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":"text_here"}' http://<your-app-domain>/tagger/tags
How to use the entity extraction endpoint
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://<your-app-domain>/entities/<entity_name>
How to extract all the types connected of a given entity
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://<your-app-domain>/entities/<entity_name>/types
How to extract all the properties uri's of a given entity
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://<your-app-domain>/entities/<entity_name>/properties
How to extract the property value of given entity
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://<your-app-domain>/entities/<entity_name>/properties?name=<property_uri>
How to extract the property value of a given entity in a given language
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://<your-app-domain>/entities/<entity_name>/properties?name=<property_uri>&lang=<country_code>
Description of the API endpoints
Method: POST It will return all the entities for a given text
{"data": [
"Ivar Aasen"],
"uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/tagger/entities"
- advanced[0 | 1]: If it is one, it will return the uri for each entity
{"data": [
{ name:"Skriftsprog", uri: "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Skriftsprog" },
{ name:"Aasen", uri: "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Aasen"},
{ name:"USA", uri: "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/USA"},
{ name:"Ivar Aasen", uri: "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Ivar_Aasen"}],
"uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/tagger/entities"
It will return all the tags for a given text
data :[
"Andreas" ,
"USA" ,
"Thoresen" ,
"Denmark" ,
"Daae" ,
"Skodjestrømmen" ,
"Aasen" ,
Method: POST It will return all the data from the obt tagger, entities and tags for a given text
entities: [
"USA" ,
"Thoresen" ,
"Ivar Aasen" ,
"Herøy" ,
"Iver Andreas" ,
"Thoresen" ,
"Ivar Jonsson" ,
"Hans Conrad Thoresen" ,
"Rasmus Aarflots" ,
"Ludvig Daae" ,
"Norway" ,
"Aasen" ,
"Sweden" ,
"Stephen Walton"
obt: [
word: "Ivar",
is_verb: false,
is_number: {
ordinal: false,
is_number: false,
roman: false,
quantity: false
tagging: [
options: "Ivar subst prop mask",
is_subst: true,
is_prop: true
word: "Aasen",
is_verb: false,
is_number: {
ordinal: false,
is_number: false,
roman: false,
quantity: false
tagging: [
options: "Aasen subst prop <*sen> <*>",
is_subst: true,
is_prop: true
tags: [
"Andreas" ,
"USA" ,
"Thoresen" ,
"Denmark" ,
"Daae" ,
"Skodjestrømmen" ,
"Aasen" ,
Method: GET
Description: It will extract information from DBPedia about the entities
- properties_uri: Properties uri of a given entity
- types_uri: Types uri of a given entity
- uri: uri of a given entity
- redirected_from[optional]: The original entity uri if the entity name has been redirected
- name: entity name
data: {
"properties_uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/properties",
"types_uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/types",
"uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway",
"redirected_from": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway",
"name": "Norway"
Method: GET
Description: It will extract the types connected to the entity and try to guess the entity type (person, organization, event, location..)
- entity_detection: It will contain a guess about the type of the entity
- types: List of types connected to the entity
data: {
entity_detection: {
is_person: false
is_location: true
is_event: false
other: false
is_org: false
type: "Location"
is_work: false
name: Norway,
entity_uri: http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway,
uri: http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/types
Method: GET
Description: It will extract all the properties connected to a given entity
data: {
"http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label": {
"uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/properties?name=http%3A//www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema%23label",
"name": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label"
"http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#describedby": {
"uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/properties?name=http%3A//www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s%23describedby",
"name": "http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#describedby",
name: Norway,
entity_uri: http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway,
uri: http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/properties
- name: It will extract the value for this given property.
- lang: It is the country code. It will extract the value for a given property in a given language. Only used in combination with the name
uri: http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/properties?name=http%3A//www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema%23label
data: {
"http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label": [
"\u0627\u0644\u0646\u0631\u0648\u064a\u062c", // النرويج
"Norv\u00e8ge", // Norvège
"\u30ce\u30eb\u30a6\u30a7\u30fc", // ノルウェー
"\u041d\u043e\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0433\u0438\u044f", // Норвегия
"\u632a\u5a01" // 挪威
"entity_uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway",
"name": "Norway",
"uri": "http://<your-app-domain>/entities/Norway/properties?name=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2F01%2Frdf-schema#label"
Ivar Aasen ble født på gården Åsen i Hovdebygda på Sunnmøre som sønn av småbrukeren Ivar Jonsson.
Han ble døpt Iver Andreas, formen «Ivar» kom i bruk omkring 1845. Gården han vokste opp på var isolert, så han hadde ingen kamerater.
Dette førte til at han leste mye i de få bøkene familien hadde, deriblant Bibelen. Faren døde i 1826. Det var åtte søsken, og de mistet begge foreldrene tidlig.
I foreldrenes fravær ble broren det nye familieoverhodet; han satte Ivar til gårdsarbeid og lot ham ikke utvikle de intellektuelle evnene sine, men Ivar utmerket seg likevel ved konfirmasjonen, og presten skrev rosende om ham i kirkeboken.
Gården Ekset med Sivert og Rasmus Aarflots boksamling var bare 3 kilometer frå Åsen-garden. Aarflot hadde selv gjort observasjoner om slektskap mellom sunnmørsdialekten og gammelnorsk, og dette kan ha inspirert den unge Aasen.
Aasen lærte seg norrønt, engelsk, fransk og latin.
- The Oslo-Bergen tagger: morphosyntactic tagger for Norwegian bokmål and nynorsk. More info about the tagger. This is the output from the tagger.
- OBT-Stat: Statistical disambiguator for the Oslo-Bergen Part of Speech tagger
- VISL CG-3: CG compiler. 3rd version of the CG formalism variant
- Multitagger: Multitagger with lexicon for Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk.
- HusPos: Hunpos is an open source reimplementation of TnT, the well known part-of-speech tagger
The Oslo-Bergen Tagger is a morphosyntactic tagger for Norwegian bokmål and nynorsk. For general information about the tagger, visit its home page: Tekstlab.uio.no.