This project is still under conceptualization / development. There is a lot of things to do and improve. Any contirbution (pull-request, issues...) will be much appreciated.
This Repository let you change the framework_assets_version to force client to reload assets. You can either define specific commands (like assets:install or assetic:dump) that will be overloaded or use the new commands to do so manually.
@todo: explain how to install package
Add the bundle to your AppKernel.php file:
$bundles = array(
new LeooTeam\CacheCleanerBundle\LeooTeamCacheCleanerBundle(),
This bundle requires Symfony >= 2.8
Required : add the commands that will trigger the event.
- { resource: "@LeooTeamCacheCleanerBundle/Resources/config/versions.yml", ignore_errors: true }
Optionnal : add the commands that will trigger the event.
commands: ['cache:clear', 'assets:install', 'assetic:dump']