External Sorting algorithm for Databases having constrained storage hierarchy
- Divy Patel (9085310937) [email protected]
- Sahil Naphade (9085746619) [email protected]
- Devaki Kulkarni (9086222321) [email protected]
- Manaswini Gogineni (9085432699) [email protected]
- Divy: Cache-size mini runs, Device-optimized page sizes, Spilling memory-to-SSD, Spilling from SSD to disk, Graceful degradation, Optimized merge patterns, Testing and Memory Leak Check
- Sahil: Tournament trees, Offset-value coding, Minimum count of row & column comparisons, Optimized merge patterns, Large-size records, Testing and Memory Leak Check
- Devaki: Tournament trees, Offset-value coding, Large-size records
- Manaswini: Verification
Tournament trees:
File Tree.cpp @ Line 196
Offset-value coding:
File DataRecord.cpp @ Line 122
Minimum count of row & column comparisons
Cache-size mini runs:
File SortRecords.cpp @ Line 26
Device-optimized page sizes:
File SortRecords.cpp @ Line 81 and Line 136
Spilling memory-to-SSD:
File SortRecords.cpp @ Line 65
Spilling from SSD to disk:
File SortRecords.cpp @ Line 69 and Line 125
Graceful degradation:
File SortRecords.cpp @ Line 72, Line 74 and Line 151
- Into merging
- Beyond one merge step
Optimized merge patterns:
File SortRecords.cpp @ Line 150 and Line 151
File Iterator.cpp @ Line 69 and Line 84
- sets of rows & values:
File Iterator.cpp @ Line 84
- sort order:
File Iterator.cpp @ Line 69
- sets of rows & values:
Replacement selection?
Run size > memory size?
Variable-size records?
Prefix truncation?
Tournament-tree priority queue
was used in order to achievehigh fan-in
for merging our sorted run inputs of records and less number of comparisons than a standard tree-of-winnersOffset-value coding
was used to achieveminimum column value comparisons
Cache-size mini runs
were used to be able to fit the sort inputs, for tournament-tree, in the cache. This enabled us to leverage the low-latency accesses when there arecache hits
Device-optimized page sizes
were used in order to being cognizant about theaccess-profile(latency, bandwidth)
of various devices in the storage hierarchy. ForSSD
, we used8KB(100 MB/s * 0.1 ms ~ 10KB)
and forHDD
, we used1MB(100 MB/s * 10 ms ~ 1MB)
- We achieved graceful-degradation by spilling
cache-size runs from cache to memory
,spilling memory-size runs from memory to SSD
andspilling SSD-size runs from SSD to HDD
- Also
HDD-page size(1MB)
sorted runs were written toSSD
prior to actually merging runs on theHDD
. This is to leverage low-latency accesses of flash drives(SSD) Sort-order
,set of rows
and theirvalues
were verified as part of sorting the input records. This is to verify thecorrectness
of our sort algorihthm
- The implementation of the
is complete with all of the techniques which were expected from us as part of the course project - The sort was tested against
size records and with12M
number of records(although it takes ~1hr to complete the sort, for this particular test-case) - The sort algorithm was tested against
to check for any memory leaks introduced while developing. The codebase does not have any memory leaks, from the latest leak-report on the most recent code version
- To run our program, first compile the source code using following command, under
$ cd External-Sort
$ make ExternalSort.exe
- After compiling the source code, to execute the External Sort with custom arguments, run following command inside
# Where,
# "-c" gives the total number of records
# "-s" is the individual record size
# "-o" is the trace of your program run
$ ./ExternalSort.exe -c 120 -s 10 -o trace0.txt
The program creates three directories on the completion of the sort algorithm:
: This directory consist of the input table which has records generated by the random-generator in arbitrary orderoutput
: This directory consist of the output table which has records from input table but in a sorted order, sorted using our sort algorithmtrace
: This directory consists of trace files generated from the sort. The trace file consists of logs related SSD and HDD device accesses. And the logs related to sort state machine
In order to remove all the generated binaries, executables, and the utility directories mentioned above, run the following command
$ make clean
$ docker run -it --privileged -v $pwd/External-Sort:/External-Sort ubuntu bash
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install build-essential make g++ vim sudo valgrind -y
$ cd ./External-Sort
$ make ExternalSort.exe
# Where,
# "-c" gives the total number of records
# "-s" is the individual record size
# "-o" is the trace of your program run
$ ./ExternalSort.exe -c 120 -s 1000 -o trace0.txt
# Creates a log file `valgrind` inside the External-Sort directory
$ valgrind --track-origins=yes --log-file="/External-Sort/valgrind" --leak-check=yes ./ExternalSort.exe -c 120 -s 1000 -o trace0.txt