A backend service for calculating macronutrients built with NestJS.
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- npm
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create your environment file:
cp .env.example .env
- Add the following entry to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Linux/Mac): macal-postgres
The project includes several database management commands:
- Create database:
npm run db:create
- Run migrations:
npm run db:migrate
- Seed database:
npm run db:seed
- Reset database (drop, create, migrate, seed):
npm run db:reset
- Development mode:
npm run start:dev
- Production mode:
npm run start:prod
- Debug mode:
npm run start:debug
- Run tests:
npm test
- Run tests with watch mode:
npm run test:watch
- Run tests with coverage:
npm run test:cov
- Run e2e tests:
npm run test:e2e
- Format code:
npm run format
- Lint code:
npm run lint
- Build project:
npm run build
- NestJS
- TypeORM
- PostgreSQL
- Passport JWT for authentication
- Jest for testing