This is my personal website, consisting of a portfolio of projects.
URL 1:
URL 2:
Steps Followed to Deploy Python Flask App on Heroku:
- Step-1: Login Heroku
- Step-2: Select 'Create new app'
- Step-3: Download Heroku CLI and installed
- Step-4: Go to the project folder
- Create following two files in the project folder
- requirements.txt (list of the modules and packages required for the project)
- Procfile (with File extention)
- Open Procfile and then write the following line:
- web: gunicorn app:app (the first app in this case is the Python file and the second app is the flask app, a variable in
- Select the full path of the project folder, and then type "CMD" or open "CMD" from the Windows Start Menu.
- Type 'git init' and press enter (this command creates an empty Git repository in the project folder)
- Type 'heroku login' and press enter (this will open heroku login page)
- Type 'heroku git:remote -a flask-app-name' and press enter (flask-app-name will be the name used in Create new app in the step-2)
- Type 'pip install gunicorn' (this will install gunicorn package in the python virtual environment availale in project folder/some other directory)
- Type 'pip freeze > requirements.txt' to get all the modules and packages actual version used for the project
- Type 'git add .'
- Type 'git commit -m "first commit"'
- Type 'git push heroku master'
- Type 'heroku open' (it will open web application)
- Create following two files in the project folder
- Done!
Steps Followed to Publish Static Website on GitHub:
- Step-1: Create a new GitHub repository
- Step-2: Clone the repository on your computer
- Step-3: Create a static website (single or multi-page)
- Step-4: Push your code to GitHub
- Step-5: Open your repository settings
- Step-6: Click on Pages
- Step-7: Select source - 'Deploy from a branch' from drop-down
- Step-8: Select branch - 'main' from drop-down
- Save this settings
- It will take some times to publish site
- It will create a link of your site
- Done!