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refactor(cmc): Migrate CMC to use ic-cdk #18290

refactor(cmc): Migrate CMC to use ic-cdk

refactor(cmc): Migrate CMC to use ic-cdk #18290

# Darwin tests on runners from
name: test-namespace
- master
- 'dev-gh-*' # used by developers to trigger CI runs without having to open a PR
# Ensure there's only one instance of this workflow for any PR/branch/tag, and
# cancel the previous one if necessary; except on master where we want to build
# every commit
# never scheduled so head_ref or ref will always be set (no run_id fallback)
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.ref_name != 'master' }}
name: Bazel Test macOS Apple Silicon
timeout-minutes: 120
runs-on: namespace-profile-darwin # profile created in namespace console
if: ${{ github.repository == 'dfinity/ic' }} # only run on public repo, not private since Namespace runners are not configured there, so these CI jobs get stuck otherwise.
- name: Set up Bazel cache
run: |
# Creates a bazelrc configuration fragment which tells bazel where the cache lives.
nsc bazel cache setup --bazelrc=/tmp/bazel-cache.bazelrc
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Build and test, excluding 'upload' jobs that are not required on macOS (used in reproducibility tests)
- name: Test
run: |
# Until we have a hermetic CC toolchain, tell bazel to use the "real" clang
# (instead of Apple's, which sometimes breaks on wasm32)
export CC=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang
bazel \
--noworkspace_rc \
--bazelrc=./bazel/conf/ --bazelrc=/tmp/bazel-cache.bazelrc \
test \
--config=ci --config=macos_ci \
--test_tag_filters="test_macos,test_macos_slow,-upload" \
//packages/pocket-ic/... //rs/... //publish/binaries/...