Welcome to the Electricity Payment System, a Python program with MySQL integration for managing electricity customer data and transactions. This system provides a set of functionalities including customer data input, transaction processing, data display, and financial recap.
Install the required Python libraries:
pip install mysql-connector-python prettytable
Set up a MySQL server with the database named
. Update the MySQL connection details in theconn()
Run the program:
python main_utama.py
Choose the desired menu option:
- Input Data (1): Enter customer data and initiate transactions.
- Display Data (2): View information about customers, transactions, or electricity categories.
- Payment (3): Process payments for customers.
- Rekap Data (4): View financial recaps.
- Exit (5): Exit the program.
- Tables:
: Customer data including ID, name, and electricity category.tb_jenisdaya
: Electricity category data including ID, category, and price per kWh.tb_transaksi
: Transaction data including ID, date, kWh, total price, and payment status.
1. input data
2. tampil data
3. bayar
4. rekap data
5. exit
-> 1
Masukan nama : John Doe
Masukan golongan : 1
Masukan kwh : 100
1. input data
2. tampil data
3. bayar
4. rekap data
5. exit
-> 2
1. tampil jenis daya
2. tampil pelanggan
3. tampil transaksi
-> 2
| Id Pelanggan | Nama | Golongan Daya| Harga / Kwh |
| 1 | John Doe| 1300 | 1500 |
1. input data
2. tampil data
3. bayar
4. rekap data
5. exit
-> 3
1. Id Transaksi | Nama | Gologan Daya | KWH | Total Harga | Status |
| 1 | John Doe | 1300 | 100 | 150000 | BELUM LUNAS |
Pilih ID Transaksi untuk membayar: 1
Bayar : 200000
Kembalian : 50000
1. input data
2. tampil data
3. bayar
4. rekap data
5. exit
-> 4
1. Total Pengguna
2. Total Penghasila
-> 2
Total Terbayarkan : Rp.150000
Total Belum Terbayarkan : Rp.0
1. input data
2. tampil data
3. bayar
4. rekap data
5. exit
-> 5
Terima kasih
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to create pull requests or report issues through GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Thank you for using the Electricity Payment System! ⚡🔧