Alpine image with programm dotnet-gpioset on .NET 5 using Libgpiod for control GPIO. Developer boards such as Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, Orange Pi, and etc.
- Docker Registry @ devdotnetorg/dotnet-gpioset
- GitHub @ devdotnetorg/dotnet-libgpiod-gpioset
Tags | Dockerfile | OS Version | Libgpiod Version |
:aarch64 :latest |
Dockerfile | alpine:3.13.5 |
Latest (v1.6.3) |
Tags | Dockerfile | OS Version | Libgpiod Version |
:amd64 :latest |
Dockerfile | alpine:3.13.5 |
Latest (v1.6.3) |
The dotnet-gpioset program uses the Libgpiod library to control GPIO Developer boards, written in C # .NET5. Performs the same functions as the gpioset program. The input parameters are the same. A Docker image with the Libgpiod library is available - docker-libgpiod.
Running dotnet-gpioset. Turning on LED on Banana Pi M64 (ARM64), 1 - gpiochip1, 36 - control pin number, 1 - "true" value corresponds to 3V3 voltage:
docker run --rm --name test-dotnet-gpioset --device /dev/gpiochip1 devdotnetorg/dotnet-gpioset 1 36=1
docker run --rm --name test-dotnet-gpioset --device /dev/gpiochip1 devdotnetorg/dotnet-gpioset 1 36=0