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Finding Baseline of Google Fonts

Baseline Ratio Database of Google Fonts.
The baseline ratio of fonts can be used for sass mixins or css to build baseline grid and vertical rythm.
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Finding Baseline website using Github Pages and jekyll.

Baseline Ratio Database

There is baseline ratio data of 818 google fonts. Feel free to use it.
data file format: *.yml, *.json, *.sass

Building site locally

  1. Fork, clone or download this project
  2. Install Jekyll
  3. cd docs
  4. npm install
  5. bundle
  6. Generate the website: jekyll build --baseurl ''
  7. Serve with BrowserSync and compile Sass: gulp
  8. Preview: localhost:3000

Read more at Jekyll's documentation.

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Copyright and license

Code and documentation copyright Lee Jihye. Code released under the MIT License.