Text to speech server
gunicorn --bind --config gunicorn.conf.py -w 4 --threads 10 app:app
Need add environment variable
To run a Gunicorn server in a tmux session and expose it to the public using ngrok, follow these steps:
- Install tmux (if not already installed)
If tmux is not installed, install it using Homebrew:
brew install tmux
Verify the installation:
tmux -V
- Start a tmux Session
Start a new tmux session to run your Gunicorn server:
tmux new -s gunicorn_server
This opens a new tmux session named gunicorn_server.
- Run Gunicorn
Start the Gunicorn server inside the tmux session. Replace my_app:app with the correct module and application object for your project.
Set environment variables in this session:
caffeinate -dims & gunicorn -w 4 -b my_app:app
This starts Gunicorn with: • -w 4: 4 worker processes. • -b Binds the server to localhost on port 8080.
You can test your Gunicorn server locally:
- Detach the tmux Session
Detach from the tmux session while keeping Gunicorn running by pressing:
Ctrl + B, then D
This takes you back to the terminal, but your Gunicorn server continues running in the background.
- Attach ngrok to the Gunicorn Server
Now, start ngrok to expose the Gunicorn server to the public:
caffeinate -dims & ngrok http 8080
This will generate a public URL like:
Forwarding https://.ngrok.io ->
You can share this public URL, and ngrok will forward the traffic to your Gunicorn server.
- Reattach the tmux Session
If you need to return to the Gunicorn tmux session to view logs or stop the server, reattach it using:
tmux attach -t gunicorn_server
- Optional: Run Both Gunicorn and ngrok in tmux
If you prefer to run both Gunicorn and ngrok in the same or separate tmux sessions:
In the Same Session: 1. Open a tmux session:
tmux new -s my_services
2. Run Gunicorn:
gunicorn -w 4 -b my_app:app
3. Split the tmux window:
Press Ctrl + B, then % (splits the window vertically). 4. Run ngrok in the new pane:
ngrok http 8080
In Separate Sessions: 1. Start a session for Gunicorn:
tmux new -s gunicorn_server
Run Gunicorn, then detach (Ctrl + B, D).
2. Start another session for ngrok:
tmux new -s ngrok
Run ngrok, then detach.
This setup ensures both your Gunicorn server and ngrok are running in the background and accessible anytime! Let me know if you face any issues.