A monochromatic winter night sky scene using fractals (IFS, Koch, and n-flake) and OpenGL/JOGL. This is my portion of the computer graphics group project found at https://github.com/enondorf934/computer-graphics-project (held here for portfolio purposes).
The two scenes for the project. The right half was my responsibility.
Download and install gradle (if you are on Windows, I recommend Chocolatey, otherwise Brew or your default package manager should be good), then go to the root directory (where the build.gradle file is located) and run "gradle installDist". This creates a ./build/ directory with an executable for your machine.
After building the project, navigate to ./computer-graphics-project-fractals/build/install/computer-graphics-project-fractals/bin/ for the appropriate executable/batch file for your machine.
The animation should start automatically when the program is launched. See https://github.com/dem1995/Winter-Fractals-CG-Project/wiki/Overview for details about how the program works.