Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts (Community Edition)
GitOps Configuration and documentation of my Kubernetes homelab powered by Talos and FluxCD.
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
⚡️ Generate and preview ⚛️ React components with 🤖 ChatGPT
Your Gateway Drug to Kubernetes at Home!
Wife approved HomeOps driven by Kubernetes and GitOps using Flux
Kubetools - Curated List of Kubernetes Tools
A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials.
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
Over 385 terminal color schemes/themes for iTerm/iTerm2. Includes ports to Terminal, Konsole, PuTTY, Xresources, XRDB, Remmina, Termite, XFCE, Tilda, FreeBSD VT, Terminator, Kitty, MobaXterm, LXTer…
own way of studying data science, machine learning and AI (Python)
zhang-xuebin / argo-helm
Forked from argoproj/argo-helmArgoProj Helm Charts
GitHub Action that installs and uses the GitVersion and GitReleaseManager tools
A set of modern Grafana dashboards for Kubernetes.
Flask boilerplate using a services oriented structure
A guide series explaining how to setup a personal small homelab running a Kubernetes cluster with VMs on a Proxmox VE standalone server node.
Runs checks to see if an EKS cluster follows EKS Best Practices.
tobs - The Observability Stack for Kubernetes. Easy install of a full observability stack into a k8s cluster with Helm charts.
一款强大的云原生redis-operator,经过大规模生产级运行考验,支持分布式集群、支持主备切换等缓存集群解决方案…The powerful cloud-native redis-operator, which has passed the test of large-scale production-level operation, supports distributed clust…
Advanced Kubernetes YAML configs - Best Practices, Tips & Tricks, Production-Ready Checklist - experience from several production environments. AWS, GCP, Azure, ArgoCD, GKE, EKS, AKS, Nginx, Traefi…
Practice questions for Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) exam
External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.