A lightweight, in-memory key-value store for Go applications with type-safety through generics.
- Generic type support - store any type in your collections
- Simple API for basic CRUD operations
- Advanced key filtering with regex pattern matching and wildcards
- Record metadata tracking (creation time, modification time, access time)
- Usage statistics (read/write counts)
- Persistence with gob encoding
- Time-based filtering for records
go get github.com/dearing/go-keystore
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html
// Create a new string collection
db := keystore.NewCollection[string]("my string database")
// Set values
db.Set("key1", "value1")
db.Set("key2", "value2")
// Get values
value, exists := db.Get("key1")
if exists {
fmt.Println(value) // "value1"
// Get full record with metadata
record, exists := db.GetRecord("key1")
if exists {
// Find keys matching a regex pattern
matches, _ := db.MatchKeys("key[0-9]+")
// Find values matching a regex pattern
values, _ := db.MatchValues("value[0-9]+")
// Get keys with a wildcard prefix
keys, _ := db.Prefix("user_*")
// Stream keys with a wildcard prefix
for key := range db.PrefixChan("user_*") {
// Time-based filtering
recentlyCreated := db.CreatedSince(time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour))
recentlyModified := db.ModifiedSince(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour))
recentlyAccessed := db.AccessedSince(time.Now().Add(-30 * time.Minute))
// Save collection to file
err := db.Save("database.gob")
if err != nil {
// Load collection from file
newDB := keystore.NewCollection[string]("loaded database")
err = newDB.Load("database.gob")
if err != nil {
// Delete a value
// Clear the entire collection
type Card struct {
Name string
ManaCost string
Type string
Power int
Toughness int
// Create a collection for your custom type
cardDB := keystore.NewCollection[Card]("my card collection")
// Add cards to the collection
cardDB.Set("black-lotus", Card{
Name: "Black Lotus",
ManaCost: "0",
Type: "Artifact",
// Retrieve a card
card, exists := cardDB.Get("black-lotus")