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Create wrapper around keepassxcli open to keep open database and allow get passwords without db passaword.

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Keepassxc-cli WRAPPER

Create a wrapper around keepassxc-cli open command and keep it open without need of keep the terminal open. It allows you to access any password (or other attributes) from database in terminal or scripts without need of providing the password to the database again.


I strongly recommend use of pipx to install keepassxc-cli.

pipx install keepasxcli-wrapper

Eventually you can install it by yourself in global

pip install keepasxcli-wrapper

or better in some virtualenv, for example like this:

python -m venv ~/.keepassxcli-wrapper
.keepassxcli-wrapper/bin/pip install keepasxcli-wrapper
echo "alias kpowg=~/.keepassxcli-wrapper/bin/kpowg" >> .bashrc
echo "alias kpowr=~/.keepassxcli-wrapper/bin/kpowr" >> .bashrc

How it works

When you ask for a password for some entry in keepassxc db and the db is not open yet, you will be prompted for the keepassxc database password. It will start a server in a background with opened keepassxcli open session. If you ask for some entry's password again, you get the password from the existing server. The connection with the server is maintained with a file sockets. This limits usage for linux and OSX. One socket file can have only one database.

# server is not running
> ps -x | grep keepasxcli_wrapper/ | grep -v grep | wc -l 
# first time usage trigger prompt for database file and password
> kpowr ls
Open database: path/to/db.kdbx
# server is running now in background
> ps -x | grep keepasxcli_wrapper/ | grep -v grep | wc -l 
# no password is required
> kpowr ls
> kpowg facebook
password for entry facebook has been clipped
# quiting server
> kpowr quit
> ps -x | grep keepasxcli_wrapper/ | grep -v grep | wc -l 
# open db again
> kpowr ls
Open database:


There are two scripts. Both can open db. kpowg (KeePassxc Open Wrapper Get) is for accessing entry's attributes. kpowr *(KeePassxc Open Run) is for run command on original keepassc-cli open session.


Either clip or print the attributes for the entries.

clip the password for gmail in the db (gmail is the title of entry)

> kpowg gmail
password for entry facebook has been clipped

clip the username for gmail

> kpowg gmail username
username for entry entry1 has been clipped

(-s/--show) print the username (it is printed without new line at the end)

> kpowg --show gmail username
[email protected]

A partial name let you choose between all the matches.

> kpowg mail
[1] gmail
[2] yahoo e-mail

Choose entry 1 - 2 (default 1): 2
password for entry yahoo email has been clipped

Use (-np/--no-prompt) in script to prevent from prompt. If the db is not open it will fail, but it will not block the rest of script.

#! /bin/sh
GMAILPASSWORD="$(kpowg -np -s gmail)"

(-wfp/--window-for-password) will create dialog window for password input. Use for scripts running in background. Use in the pair with -np in case of wrong db path configuration.

#! /bin/sh
GMAILPASSWORD="$(kpowg --wfp -np -s gmail)"


This just pass commands to keepassxcli-cli.


kpowr add --password-prompt and kpowr edit --password-prompt is not yet supported.


# show help for kpowr
> kpowr --help
# show help for keepassxc-cli
> kpowr help
# show help for keepassxc-cli add entry
> kpowr help add

some useful commands

# add entry gmail-for-work with usernam [email protected] and autogenerated password
> kpowr add -g -u [email protected] gmail-for-work
# change url for previous password
> kpowr edit --url gmail-for-work
# move entry to Recycle Bin
> kpowr rm gmail-for-work


You are always prompt for db path. You can tell kpowr or kpowg where the database file exists via configuration file or ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES.

Simple one database only usage

Insert in .bashrc

export KEEPASSXCCLI2_NONAME_DB=/path/to/db.kdbx

Multiple databases

Multiple databases require multiple entries in config file (or env).

File config

Config file can be passed with (-cf/--config-file). ie: kpowg -cf path/to/mycfg.ini gmail. Also looking in these files:

  • ~/.keepassxccli2.ini
  • ~/.config/.keepassxccli2.ini Result is merged from all founded files, but passed file has priority in case of conflict.
# default database (if you do not specify (-n/--name) in kpowg/kpowr command
db = /my/persona/db.kdbx
# for noname db is setup default file for socket

# other custom db must contain pid_file for socket communication between kpowg/kpowr and server
# db is optional, but you will be prompted each time
pid_file = /tmp/work_keepassxc

db = /path/to/work2.kdbx
pid_file = /tmp/work2_keepassxc

db = /path/to/work3.kdbx
pid_file = /tmp/work3_keepassxc
# path to key file
key_file = /path/to/keyfile
# yubikey slot[:serial]
yubikey = 1:7370001
# for bigger databases could be default (0.3) timeout not enough to read all entries (in seconds)
timeout = 0.5


Same config can be achieved with setting ENV. In case of conflict (ENV and config is set for same name) the ENV has priority. So you can use ENV for override config. Format is KEEPASSXCCLI2_{{NAME}}_{{ATTR}}.

export KEEPASSXCCLI2_NONAME_DB=/my/persona/db.kdbx

export KEEPASSXCCLI2_WORK_PID_FILE=/tmp/work_keepassxc

export KEEPASSXCCLI2_WORK2_DB=/path/to/work2.kdbx
export KEEPASSXCCLI2_WORK2_PID_FILE=/tmp/work2_keepassxc

export KEEPASSXCCLI2_WORK3_DB=/path/to/work3.kdbx
export KEEPASSXCCLI2_WORK3_PID_FILE=/tmp/work3_keepassxc
export KEEPASSXCCLI2_WORK3_KEY_FILE=/path/to/keyfile


>kpowg facebook
# open /my/persona/db.kdbx from config
password for facebook has been clipped

>kpowg -n work2 gmail
# open /path/to/work.kdbx from config
password for entry gmail has been clipped


Create wrapper around keepassxcli open to keep open database and allow get passwords without db passaword.






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