is a (wanna be) replacement for NSCollectionView. It has full delegate and dataSource support with method calls just like known from NSTableView and UITableView.
The main inspiration to develop this control came fom @JustSid who wrote the JUCollectionView. But CNGridView
was written from ground up, it uses ARC and has a bunch of properties to customize its layout and behavior.
was only testet on 10.7 Lion & 10.8 Mountain Lion.
Here is a shot of the included example application:
To use CNGridView
the easy work is done in a few steps:
- open InterfaceBuilder and select your NIB file that should contain the grid view
- drag a
to your target view, and set the class ofNSScrollView
's content view toCNGridView
- connect the delegate & dataSource
- implement all required delegate/dataSource methods and fill it with appropriate content.
Now you have a fully functionable grid view. Please take a look at the example.
###Contribution The code is provided as-is, and it is far off being complete or free of bugs. If you like this component feel free to support it. Make changes related to your needs, extend it or just use it in your own project. Feedbacks are very welcome. Just contact me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?Subject=[CNGridView] Your component on Github), send me a ping on Twitter @TheCocoaNaut or App.net @phranck.
There are some stuff I planned to implement - if time permits.
- Drag & Drop
- keyboard control
- custom views for grid view items
- custom views for grid view header & footer
- sections
- ...
The documentation of this project is auto generated using Appledoc by @gentlebytes.
You can find the complete reference here.
###License This software is published under the MIT License.