No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Issues that require special attention are included in this category.
Issues such as harmless typos are included in this category.
Something that affects build process of Dinit
Things about contrib section
Things about custom control protocol of Dinit
Things about the main parts of dinit
Things about dinit-service
Things about miscellaneous items (such as modifying CONTRIBUTORS list)
Things about shutdown/reboot/halt utilities
Things about unit or integration tests
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Things about downstream projects that officially support Dinit.
Improving things or introduce new feature
Request a feature to be added to dinit
It's a good issue for first-time contributors
It's needs community help
Things about Dinit's Make build process
Things about Dinit's Meson build process
Please provide more info about this.
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