This program is used to activate a people recognition alarm system. Send a message via telegram if it has found a person and a siren sounds, again from telegram it is possible to run/stop the program and activate/deactivate the people recognition system and the alarm
It is requirest create a bot python and insert in the file configurazione.txt the keys and the URL for connects at the videocapture in the browser(always on file configurazione.txt) Create an virtual enviroment install and check if the chromedriver version is the same version of google chrome
TO RUN: run,if this not work,before to run, run the virtual enviroment and then run on this virtual enviroment from telegram it is possibile to manage the video camera. The messages are: "help" -> the bot return the actual situation of the alarm "start" -> the bot run the program "stop" -> the bot stop the program "on" -> the bot active the alarm "off" -> the bot deactive the alarm "ok" -> the bot block the sirena
Command(to run): sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Files(to import): yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights coco.names chromedriver(must be present in this directory) Libraries(to install): telebot selenium cv2 PIL numpy pydub