This is a more complicated version of the Basic Heroku Flask App lesson:
It contains a skeleton of a Flask app that talks to the Google Maps API and USGS earthquake data.
A more polished project can be found at:
Try to add the features found in the lesssimple version of this app and deploy it to Heroku.
The features include:
- Each place name of an earthquake should link to the earthquake's official USGS eventpage URL, i.e.
- Each row should show the correct Google static map, not an image of Stanford.
- There should be a Google static map that shows every earthquake.
Earthquake data comes from the USGS:
Example Google Static Map URL:,CA
What it looks like:
Google documentation for the static maps API:
Some examples of how to use the urllib.parse.urlencode method to create complicated query strings.
Try this out:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
locations = ['Stanford, CA', 'Berkeley, CA', 'Napa, CA']
myparams = {'size': '800x400', 'maptype': 'satellite', 'markers': locations}
url = GMAPS_URL + urlencode(myparams, doseq=True)
Which renders this map: