Hunt down .only
s before it's too late.
Works with mocha, tape and any tests written in BDD, TDD and QUnit style.
$ npm install --save-dev dot-only-hunter
$ dot-only-hunter -h
Usage: dot-only-hunter [test_dir][options]
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --prey <list> additional commma-separated list of names to hunt preciding .only
$ dot-only-hunter
dot-only-hunter: test: No such file or directory
$ dot-only-hunter tests
Hunting inside 'tests' for tests with `.only`...
tests/test.js:describe.only('jello-eater', function () {
Whoops! Found `.only` in your tests.
$ rm tests/test.js
$ dot-only-hunter tests
Hunting inside 'tests' for tests with `.only`...
All good!
MIT © David da Silva