Scripts/tests/configurations needed for configuring a real RISC-V board in gem5 live here
Clone darchr/gem5 and this repo.
git clone gem5_darchr git clone
Compile gem5 for RISCV from the REU2022/riscv-validation branch.
cd gem5_darchr git checkout --track origin/REU2022/riscv-validation scons build/RISCV/gem5.opt -j<threads>
Compile the benchmarks for RISCV.
./ <C_compiler_name>
For example, if compiling on a RISCV host running Ubuntu 22.04.
./ gcc
If compiling on a non-RISCV host with a cross compiler installed.
./ riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc
This will put all microbench-vertical binaries in microbench_vertical-bins all microbenchmark-suite memory binaries in microbenchmark_suite_mem-bins, and all microbenchmark-suite non-memory binaries in microbenchmark_suite-bins.
Run all benchmarks on hardware. Pass the perf binary path as positional argument 1, the number of perf iterations on microbench-vertical as positional argument 2 (-r flag for perf), the number of repetitions for microbenchmark-suite non-memory binaries as positional argument 3 (repetitions), the number of repetitions for microbenchmark-suite memory benchmarks as positional argument 4, and the microbenchmark-suite memory benchmarks array size as positional argument 5. For example, if you are using the patched kernel that allows for additional perf events on the HiFive Unmatched:
./ ../kernel/linux-5.19.4/tools/perf/perf 10 1000000000 4194304 512
This will place the outputted perf CSV files into plots/.
Run benchmarks on gem5. To run, the board configuration script path and benchmark binaries path must be passed as an argument to
. The script must be run from the gem5 source <gem5_source> <path_to_scripts_dir>/ <gem5_run_sctipt> <bench-bins-dir> <argv_for_binaries>
cd ~/gem5_darchr ../riscv-validation/scripts/ configs/example/gem5_library/ ../riscv-validation/microbench-bins ../riscv-validation/scripts/ configs/example/gem5_library/ ../riscv-validation/microbenchmark_suite-bins 100
This will generate microbench_vertical-out/gem5_microbench.csv and microbenchmark_suite-out/gem5_microbenchmark_suite.csv containing the stats.
More detailed instructions for gathering data from both hardware and gem5 can be found in scripts/