gr-satellites v4.10.0
gr-satellites v4.10.0
gr-satellites periodic release. The releases and compatible
GNU Radio versions are:
- GNU Radio 3.10 -> gr-satellites v5.3.0
- GNU Radio 3.9 -> gr-satellites v4.10.0
- GNU Radio 3.8 -> gr-satellites v3.17.0
- 19k2 FSK mode for KUZBASS-300
- CAS-5A image receiver
- Getters and setters for Doppler Correction block
- Support for AZAADISAT-2
- Support for CIRBE
- Support for INSPIRE-SAT 7
- Support for gr-difi time tags in the Doppler Correction block
- Support for SPINO
- CSP packet ID endianness in
- Default NORAD ID in Satellite Decoder block
- Framing for CYCLOPS (USP instead of AX.25)
- Several bugs in the Doppler Correction block
- Typo in the Submit block that caused a bug when using the start time option
- HDLC Framer passes the input metadata to the output
- Use print instead of print_pdu in Hexdump Sink
- Use start time in KISS Server Sink.