This is a Julia package to read and write the WAV audio file format.
julia> Pkg.add("WAV")
WAV provides wavread
, wavwrite
, and wavappend
commands to read,
write, and append WAV files. Here is an example to get you started. It
generates some data, writes it to a file and then reads the data back.
is also provided for simple audio playback.
julia> using WAV
julia> x = [0:7999;]
julia> y = sin.(2 * pi * x / 8000)
julia> wavwrite(y, "example.wav", Fs=8000)
julia> y, fs = wavread("example.wav")
julia> y = cos.(2 * pi * x / 8000)
julia> wavappend(y, "example.wav")
julia> y, fs = wavread("example.wav")
julia> wavplay(y, fs)
This function reads the samples from a WAV file. The samples are converted to floating point values in the range from -1.0 to 1.0 by default.
function wavread(io::IO; subrange=Any, format="double")
function wavread(filename::String; subrange=Any, format="double")
The available options, and the default values, are:
(default =double
): changes the format of the returned samples. The stringdouble
returns double precision floating point values in the range -1.0 to 1.0. The stringnative
returns the values as encoded in the file. The stringsize
returns the number of samples in the file, rather than the actual samples.subrange
(default =Any
): controls which samples are returned. The default,Any
returns all of the samples. Passing a number (Real
, will return the firstN
samples of each channel. Passing a range (Range1{Real}
, will return the samples in that range of each channel.
The returned values are:
: The acoustic samples; A matrix is returned for files that contain multiple channels.Fs
: The sampling frequencynbits
: The number of bits used to encode each sampleopt
: A vector ofWAVChunk
of optional chunks found in the WAV file.
The elements in the opt
vector depend on the contents
of the WAV file.
A WAVChunk
is defined as
type WAVChunk
where the ID is the four-character chunk ID. All valid WAV files will contain a fmt
with ID Symbol("fmt ")
(note the trailing space).
In order to obtain the contents of the format chunk,
call getformat(opt)
. This will return an instance of type
. The WAVFormat
type is defined as:
immutable WAVFormat
bytes_per_second::UInt32 # average bytes per second
The ext
field of type WAVFormatExtension
is defined as:
immutable WAVFormatExtension
nbits::UInt16 # overrides nbits in WAVFormat type
sub_format::Array{UInt8, 1} # 16 byte GUID
WAVFormatExtension() = new(0, 0, Array(UInt8, 0))
WAVFormatExtension(nb, cm, sb) = new(nb, cm, sb)
You can use the isformat
function to test how the samples are
encoded, without worrying about the WAVFormatExtension
type. Extended WAV files were added to deal with some ambiguity in the
original specification.
isformat(fmt::WAVFormat, code)
The isformat
function takes the WAVFormat
object returned by
and one of WAV_FORMAT_
constants, respectively. The function returns true
when the
samples are encoded in the specified code
The following functions are also defined to make this function compatible with MATLAB:
wavread(filename::String, fmt::String) = wavread(filename, format=fmt)
wavread(filename::String, N::Int) = wavread(filename, subrange=N)
wavread(filename::String, N::Range1{Int}) = wavread(filename, subrange=N)
wavread(filename::String, N::Int, fmt::String) = wavread(filename, subrange=N, format=fmt)
wavread(filename::String, N::Range1{Int}, fmt::String) = wavread(filename, subrange=N, format=fmt)
Writes samples to a RIFF/WAVE file io object. The io
accepts either an IO
object or a filename (String
). The
function assumes that the sample rate is 8 kHz and uses 16 bits to
encode each sample. Both of these values can be changed with the
options parameter. Each column of the data represents a different
channel. Stereo files should contain two columns. The options are
passed via an Options
object (see the :ref:options page <options-module>
function wavwrite(samples::Array, io::IO; Fs=8000, nbits=16, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, chunks::Vector{WAVChunk}=WAVChunk[])
function wavwrite(samples::Array, filename::String; Fs=8000, nbits=16, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, chunks::Vector{WAVChunk}=WAVChunk[])
The available options, and the default values, are:
(default =8000
): sampling frequencynbits
(default =16
): number of bits used to encode each samplecompression
(default =WAV_FORMAT_PCM
): controls the type of encoding used in the filechunks
(default =WAVChunk[]
): a vector ofWAVChunk
objects to be written to the file (in addition to the format chunk). See below for some utilities for creatingCUE
The type of the input array, samples, also affects the generated file. "Native" WAVE files are written when integers are passed into wavwrite. This means that the literal values are written into the file. The input ranges are as follows for integer samples.
N Bits | y Data Type | y Data Range | Output Format |
8 | uint8 | 0 <= y <= 255 | uint8 |
16 | int16 | –32768 <= y <= +32767 | int16 |
24 | int32 | –2^23 <= y <= 2^23 – 1 | int32 |
If samples contains floating point values, the input data ranges are the following.
N Bits | y Data Type | y Data Range | Output Format |
8 | single or double | –1.0 <= y < +1.0 | uint8 |
16 | single or double | –1.0 <= y < +1.0 | int16 |
24 | single or double | –1.0 <= y < +1.0 | int32 |
32 | single or double | –1.0 <= y <= +1.0 | single |
Floating point (single and double precision) values are written to the file unaltered. The library will not modify the data range or representation.
The following functions are also defined to make this function compatible with MATLAB:
wavwrite(y::Array, f::Real, filename::String) = wavwrite(y, filename, Fs=f)
wavwrite(y::Array, f::Real, N::Real, filename::String) = wavwrite(y, filename, Fs=f, nbits=N)
wavwrite{T<:Integer}(y::Array{T}, io::IO) = wavwrite(y, io, nbits=sizeof(T)*8)
wavwrite{T<:Integer}(y::Array{T}, filename::String) = wavwrite(y, filename, nbits=sizeof(T)*8)
wavwrite(y::Array{Int32}, io::IO) = wavwrite(y, io, nbits=24)
wavwrite(y::Array{Int32}, filename::String) = wavwrite(y, filename, nbits=24)
wavwrite{T<:FloatingPoint}(y::Array{T}, io::IO) = wavwrite(y, io, nbits=sizeof(T)*8, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)
wavwrite{T<:FloatingPoint}(y::Array{T}, filename::String) = wavwrite(y, filename, nbits=sizeof(T)*8, compression=WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT)
Append samples to an existing WAV file. All parameters (data type and range, output format, number of bits, number of channels, etc.) are assumed to match.
function wavappend(samples::Array, io::IO)
function wavappend(samples::Array, filename::String)
Playing audio back is also supported. The supported backends are: AudioQueue (MacOSX) and Pulse Audio (Linux, libpulse-simple). There is not a native backend for Windows yet.
function wavplay(samples::Array, fs::Number)
Experimental support for reading and writing CUE
and INFO
chunks has been added in
version 1. The function
takes a Vector{WAVChunk}
(as returned by wavread
) and returns a Vector{WAVMarker}
where a WAVMarker
is defined as:
type WAVMarker
Where start_time
and duration
are in samples.
You can also turn WAVMarker
s into a Vector{WAVChunk}
(as accepted by wavwrite
) by calling
wav_cue_write(markers::Dict{UInt32, WAVMarker})
where the key for the dictionary is the ID of the marker to be written to file.
Similar functions exist for INFO
chunks, namely
wav_info_write(tags::Dict{Symbol, String})::Vector{WAVChunk}
wav_info_read(chunks::Vector{WAVChunk})::Dict{Symbol, String}
where the keys for the Dict{Symbol, String}
should be four-character RIFF INFO tag IDs as specified here. The values of the dictionary
correspond to the tag data.
AudioIO is another audio library in the Julia ecosystem. It supports more file formats (including WAV) and implements a more powerful playback interface. However, the license is more restrictive (GPL) because of a dependence on libsndfile.