Antimicrobial Peptide Scanner Version 2. Open source GLPv3 release of code from 2018 paper "Deep learning improves antimicrobial peptide recognition" published in the journal Bioinformatics:
NOTE: While best efforts have been made to ensure the integrity of this script, we take no responsibility for damages that may result from its use!
Quick Links:
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Making Predictions with Pre-Trained Models
- Training Your Own Model
- Running with Docker
- Python==3.6
- Tensorflow==1.2.1
- Keras==2.0.6
- numpy==1.16.0
- h5py==2.6
- biopython>=1.69
- scikit-learn>=0.20.0
- Python==3.6
- Tensorflow==1.12.0
- Keras==2.2.4
- numpy=1.16.0
- h5py==2.8.0
- biopython>=1.69
- scikit-learn>=0.20.1
Protein sequences must be provided in FASTA format (see: and all be
≥ 10 amino acids in length. It is also highly recommended to only use sequences ≤ 200 amino acids in length.
All sequences must consist of the following amino acid characters: XACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY
. See the Paper and the
AMP Scanner website for details. If you need to consider longer sequences, change the
argument passed to the scripts but know the models were not trained on sequences that long (it may be best
to train a new model for your data). You can also add an X
character to the front/end of shorter sequences to force
the code to work, but these predictions may not be accurate and this is not recommended.
These scripts require Python v3.6 and user the older Tensorflow v1.x - most system now have newer versions installed so we highly recommend using either a conda or virtual environment to install the packages needed to run everything. Note, that the package versions are slightly different depending on if you are using the pertained model from the original paper or newer (2019+) pre-trained models.
To use conda/miniconda (see: you can use the included "environment.yml" files to easily install the environments.
For the original paper model, install and activate with:
conda env create -f environment_original_paper_model.yml
conda activate ascan2_orig
For the 2019, or newer, models install and activate with:
conda env create -f environment_2019_and_newer_model.yml
conda activate ascan2_tf1
When finished, deactivate an environment with:
conda deactivate
To use Python 3.6 with PIP (see: and Virtual Environments (see: you can use the appropriate "requirements.txt" file to install the needed libraries in a similar fashion:
For the original paper model follow these steps:
python3.6 -m venv ascan2_orig # point to python3.6 location for your system
source ascan2_orig/bin/activate # On Linux/MacOS
ascan2_orig\Scripts\activate # On Windows Command Prompt
.\ascan2_orig\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # On Windows PowerShell
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements_original_paper_model.txt
pip freeze
For the 2019 or newer models replace ascan2_orig
with ascan2_tf1
and use the
requirements file.
You may need admin (sudo) access on your system to install conda some packages manually. However, you may also be able to install them locally, See:
Unfortunately, we can't provide support for getting packages installed. However, the TensorFlow and Keras communities are very active in helping users with problems. Please see: for TensorFlow and for Keras-related issues.
If you wish to test to see if the installation worked correctly you can run the following from the parent directory
(do not run from within the tests
python -m unittest discover -s tests
If things work correctly, you should see an OK
at the end of the scripts. If you installed the ascan2_orig
you will see a warning that the ascan2_tf1
(2019+) environment will not work (or vice-versa). This is expected and can
be ignored.
script is used to run predictions on your own query FASTA file using a pre-trained
AMP Scanner v2 model file (saved in .h5 format). It saves two results files, an "AMP_Candidates.fasta
" FASTA file with
the sequences predicted to be AMPs, and an "AMP_Predictions.csv
" CSV file with prediction results for each sequence in
your input FASTA file. Below is a basic example and further details on available command-line
python \
-fasta original-dataset/AMP.te.fa \
-model trained-models/OriginalPaper_081917_FULL_MODEL.h5 \
-candidates My_AMP_Candidates.fasta \
-preds My_AMP_Predictions.csv
This will save My_AMP_Candidates.fasta
and My_AMP_Prediction.csv
in the current directory.
Note, if you installed the 2019+ environment (see above) switch to a newer model file like
Flag | Argument | Description | Example |
-f / -fasta / -q / --query_fasta |
<path> |
Path to the input FASTA file containing protein sequences. Refer to the README for acceptable formats and amino acid characters. | -f input.fasta |
-m / -model / --model_file |
<path> |
Path to the TensorFlow model file (in .h5 HDF5 format). Ensure compatibility with the TensorFlow version used in your environment. |
-m model.h5 |
Flag | Argument | Description | Default | Example |
-c / -candidates / --candidate_amp_fasta_output |
<path> |
Path and filename for the output FASTA file containing predicted AMP candidates. If not provided, the filename is generated using the input sequence basename. | <input_prefix>_AMP_Candidates.fasta |
-c my_candidates.fasta |
-p / -preds / --predictions_csv_output |
<path> |
Path and filename for the output CSV file containing predictions and probabilities for each sequence. If not provided, the filename is generated using the input sequence basename. | <input_prefix>_AMP_Predictions.csv |
-p my_predictions.csv |
-l / --max_length |
<int> |
Maximum sequence length allowed. The model_file must have been trained on this same size! Sequences longer than this value are flagged, and prediction reliability may be questionable. |
200 |
-l 250 |
-t / -thrsh / --threshold_cutoff |
<int> |
Probability threshold for AMP classification. Predictions with a probability greater than this value are classified as AMPs, while lower probabilities are non-AMPs. | 0.5 |
-t 0.7 |
-ns / -nosave / --skip_output_files |
No argument | Flag to skip saving output files. Predictions are printed directly to the standard output (STDOUT). | False |
-ns |
-nt / -notime / --skip_timing |
No argument | Flag to skip reporting start and end times. Suppresses printing of timing information to the standard output. | False |
-nt |
Use the -h
or --help
flag to view the usage instructions and flag descriptions.
python -h
python -f input.fasta -m model.h5
Predicts AMPs in the input.fasta
file using the model.h5
TensorFlow model. Outputs:
- A FASTA file with AMP candidates (
) - A CSV summary of all predictions (
python -f input.fasta -m model.h5 -c my_candidates.fasta -p my_predictions.csv
python -f input.fasta -m model.h5 -ns
python -f input.fasta -m model.h5 -t 0.7 -l 250
script is used to train and evaluate an AMP prediction model using your own AMP
and Decoy FASTA files. These should be split into separate training, (optional) validation, and testing FASTA files
for AMPs, and Decoys, respectively. Below is a basic example and further details on available command-line flags.
python \
--amp_train_fasta original-dataset/ \
--amp_validate_fasta originial-dataset/AMP.eval.fa \
--amp_test_fasta original-dataset/AMP.te.fa \
--decoy_train_fasta original-dataset/ \
--decoy_validate_fasta original-dataset/DECOY.eval.fa \
--decoy_test_fasta original-dataset/DECOY.te.fa \
--output_model_name my_ascan2_model.h5
Flag | Argument | Description | Example |
-atr / --amp_train_fasta |
<path> |
Path to AMP training FASTA file. | -atr train_amp.fasta |
-ate / --amp_test_fasta |
<path> |
Path to AMP test FASTA file. | -ate test_amp.fasta |
-dtr / --decoy_train_fasta |
<path> |
Path to Decoy training FASTA file. | -dtr train_decoy.fasta |
-dte / --decoy_test_fasta |
<path> |
Path to Decoy test FASTA file. | -dte test_decoy.fasta |
Flag | Argument | Description | Default | Example |
-ava / --amp_validate_fasta |
<path> |
Path to optional AMP validation FASTA file. | None |
-ava validation_amp.fasta |
-dva / --decoy_validate_fasta |
<path> |
Path to optional Decoy validation FASTA file. | None |
-dva validation_decoy.fasta |
-o / -out / --output_model_name |
<path> |
Output file name for the trained model (HDF5 .h5 ). |
ascan2_model.h5 |
-o model_output.h5 |
-n / -nosave / --skip_output_model |
No argument | Skip saving the output model. Used for evaluation only. | False |
-n |
-m / -merge / --merge_train_and_val |
No argument | Merge the training and validation datasets for combined training. | False |
-m |
-s / -seed / --shuffle_seed |
<int> |
Seed for shuffling training and validation data for reproducibility. | 123 |
-s 42 |
-r / -reprod / --make_reproducible |
No argument | Ensure determinism by forcing the use of a single-threaded CPU. Warning: Slow performance! | False |
-r |
Use the -h
or --help
flag to view the usage instructions and flag descriptions.
python \
-atr train_amp.fasta \
-ate test_amp.fasta \
-dtr train_decoy.fasta \
-dte test_decoy.fasta
python \
-atr train_amp.fasta \
-ate test_amp.fasta \
-ava validation_amp.fasta \
-dtr train_decoy.fasta \
-dte test_decoy.fasta \
-dva validation_decoy.fasta \
-o output_model.h5
python \
-atr train_amp.fasta \
-ate test_amp.fasta \
-dtr train_decoy.fasta \
-dte test_decoy.fasta \
python \
-atr train_amp.fasta \
-ate test_amp.fasta \
-ava validate_amp.fasta \
-dtr train_decoy.fasta \
-dte test_decoy.fasta \
-dva validate_decoy.fasta \
-m \
Because these scripts were developed using the older Tensorflow vr 1.x backend - training a model on a multicore (or GPU) machine (even using the same random seed) on the original datasets will result in slightly different results from that of the paper (but should still be in the ballpark of the standard deviations of the 10-fold cross-validation experiments in the paper). A Google search of this issue will bring back a lot of discussions on the topic. I believe the multicore reproducibility problem has finally been addressed with Tensorflow 2.x, but you will need to update the code and packages to make things compatible. For more information on this please see:
If you are training a new model and reproducibility is critical for you, we can force TF v1.x to use a single CPU thread
and set random seeds by calling the script with the -r
flag described above. Note, especially for larger datasets, this
will run very slow!
If you prefer using Docker, prebuilt images or Dockerfiles are available to build locally.
You must have Docker installed on your system to use this, see:
In the container, AMP Scanner V2 scripts, original datasets, and pretrained models are stored under /app
which is set
as the default working directory. We recommend mapping local input/output files to /data
To pull an image for use with the original paper Tensorflow v1 model run:
docker pull dveltri/ascan2:orig
For an image for use with the 2019 or newer Tensorflow v1 server models run:
docker pull dveltri/ascan2:tf1
Separate Docker files are provided in the project docker
folder to locally build an image for the original paper and/or
2019+ model environments outlined above. From within the docker
folder, run this to build the original paper environment:
docker build -f Dockerfile.orig_paper_tf1 -t ascan2:orig .
Or, for the 2019+ newer model environment:
docker build -f Dockerfile.newer_models_tf1 -t ascan2:tf1 .
Examples for how you can run the AMP Scanner Version 2 scripts are shown below. Call the script arguments as outlined
above. These examples map the present working directory $(pwd)
(change to your desired path) on the local system to
the directory /data
in the container.
docker run -v $(pwd):/data ascan2:orig python \
-fasta original-dataset/AMP.te.fa \
-model trained-models/OriginalPaper_081917_FULL_MODEL.h5 \
-candidates /data/AMP_Candidates.fasta \
-preds /data/AMP_Predictions.csv
Make Predictions on File my_query.fasta
Located in Present Working Directory - Save Results in Current Working Directory
docker run -v $(pwd):/data ascan2:tf1 python \
-fasta /data/my_query.fasta \
-model trained-models/020419_FULL_MODEL.h5 \
-candidates /data/My_Query_AMP_Candidates.fasta \
-preds /data/My_Query_AMP_Predictions.csv
docker run -v $(pwd):/data ascan2:tf1 python \
--amp_train_fasta original-dataset/ \
--amp_validate_fasta originial-dataset/AMP.eval.fa \
--amp_test_fasta original-dataset/AMP.te.fa \
--decoy_train_fasta original-dataset/ \
--decoy_validate_fasta original-dataset/DECOY.eval.fa \
--decoy_test_fasta original-dataset/DECOY.te.fa \
--output_model_name /data/my_ascan2_model.h5