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@evert evert released this 12 Jan 06:26
· 532 commits to main since this release

The main reason this was released was due to a very scary Knex SQL injection bug that affects MySQL users.

Other changes and new features:

  • 'scope' wasn't supported yet correctly in the authorization_code and implicit flows.
  • Fixed some bugs in the 'active sessions' report, and add columns for grant_type, and scope.
  • Common types, such User, App, Group types have been moved to src/types.ts for easier access.
  • We're now keeping track of which scopes were granted to which apps per user.
  • Support for RFC 9068: A standard format for JWT OAuth2 Access Tokens.
  • Centralize CSRF token handling (for old browsers).
  • Added a new 'add privilege' action, which is helpful for API clients.
  • Fix bug: Incorrect url in Location header when creating a new user.
  • #448: Fix 'create group' form.