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@evert evert released this 03 Jun 18:04
· 701 commits to main since this release

0.20 is here, bringing a number of improvements and changes. This version is alpha, which means that some things might still change before the final release. You're encouraged to test this out, but it's not yet ready for production.

Change since last Alpha release

  • Fix: Remove broken settings from the read-only settings page.

Changes since 0.19

  • Now requires Node 16.
  • Postgres support! (@mihok)
  • Experimental sqlite support.
  • Migrated all database access to Knex.
  • Database migrations are now automatically run on startup, making upgrades a lot easier.
  • Support for the /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint, allowing clients to discover JWT public keys.
  • OAuth2 secrets are now prefixed with the secret-token: uri scheme, allowing github and other systems to detect possible commits of secret data.
  • A new settings panel for admins, allowing admins to see exactly which settings have been applied. This is currently read-only.
  • .env.defaults is no longer automatically loaded. The file still exists but its only purpose is to provide a template for developers to copy to .env.
  • Updated 'create group' and 'create app' forms to be simpler.
  • Show the public url when starting the server instead of just the TCP port.
  • #382: Fix buggy email layout.
  • Automatically open a debug connection on port 9339 when running with
    make start-dev. (@pschwyter)