Convenience packages for use in Test::BDD::Cucumber files. The aim is to remove boilerplate and/or make Cucumber step definition files more aesthetically appealing.
Simply use them at the top of your step definition .pl file, and they will take effect.
The combination of all of them allows the Digest example to be adapted to the below. Whether or not this appeals to you more is probably a matter of personal taste.
given qr/a usable "(\S+)" class/, func ($c, $class) { use_ok( $class ); };
given qr/a Digest (\S+) object/, func ($c, $type) {
ok object(Digest->new($type)), "Object created";
when qr/I've added "(.+)" to the object/, constraints => ['object'], func ($c, $data) {
object->add( $data );
when "I've added the following to the object", constraints => ['object'], func ($c) {
object->add( $c->data );
then qr/the (.+) output is "(.+)"/, constraints => ['object'], func ($c, $digest, $output) {
my $method = { base64 => 'b64digest', 'hex' => 'hexdigest' }->{ $digest } ||
do { fail("Unknown output type $digest"); return };
is( object->$method, $output );
Simply wraps Given
, When
and Then
with their all-lowercase equivalents.
Intended for use with Method::Signatures
to remove the need to refer to the
regular expression matches through $1
, $2
, etc. For example:
Given qr/an object of type '(.+)'/ => func($c, $type) {
my $class = "Foo::$type";
$c->stash->{'scenario'}->{'my_object'} = $class->new;
... instead of:
Given qr/an object of type '(.+)'/ => sub {
my ($c) = @_;
my $type = $1;
my $class = "Foo::$type";
$c->stash->{'scenario'}->{'my_object'} = $class->new;
Given that one almost always wants to stash a 'something' value inside
, this module introduces a static
accessor for the task.
use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Ext::ScenarioAccessors qw/thing/;
Given qr/I've got a new thing/ => sub {
thing( MyThing->new );
When qr/I do something to the thing/ => sub {
If a step assumes the stash to be in some coherent state for it to run at all, you may want to declare constraints separately from the step function body. That is:
When qr/i do something to the thing/, constraints => ['thing'] => sub {
... instead of:
When qr/i do something to the thing/ => sub {
my ($c) = @_;
if (!$c->stash->{'scenario'}->{'thing'}) {
fail('No thing!!!');