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Python scripts to automate LEGO® City trains.

For the Powered UP Bluetooth-based LEGO® remote control system.

(See colorimetry analysis of LEGO® colors here)

Functional examples

These trains are running entirely under computer control, without any manual intervention. Once started, the Python control script takes care of accelerations and decelerations, stopping at stations, and detecting conflicting situations at the track crossings and at common stretches of track as well. The handheld control remains available for the user to bypass the control script if she wishes.

Two trains sharing one track with crossings:



Composite train with two engines:


Requirements and installation

This is not a plug-and-play software distribution. In order to use it, you should install from the source code. You should be familiar with Python installation procedures and environment set up, as well as have at least cursory familiarity with git and GitHub.

This is so because the software very likely will have to be tuned to your specific train setup. Most of this tuning can be performed by editing a few parameters in the source code. If you are familiar with Python development and OO design principles, you should be able to even modify the code itself, once you get familiar with it, in order to better adjust some of the algorithms to you specific needs.

Thus, familiarity with a good Python IDE, as well as some experience in using GitHub resources such as forking and branching, would greatly enhance your experience (and fun) with the software.

The basic dependence is with package It in turn will require installation of a Python Bluetooth library that are available as well. See the documentation at the pylgbst repo for further details.

My installation runs under Python 3.10 on a MacBook M1 Pro with Sonoma 14.2.

This README description does not go too deep into details on how the functionality is actually implemented in the code. There are myriad of minutiae that can only be understood by studying the code itself. To facilitate that approach, I tried to err on the side of having more comments in the code, than less. Many details of algorithms and data structures are explained in the comments.


With the software properly installed, it should be run with command

python src/ 

Then one should turn the Powered UP hub on the train, and wait until it connects (the hub LED turns solid white for a while and then assumes the color specified in the Train subclass constructor; see below). If a second train is present, then turn its hub on.

When the hub(s) get connected, then turn on the hub (green) button in the handset. Once the handset connects, the GUI pops up on screen and the system is ready to run.

From that point on, no commands can be passed via keyboard or mouse (the GUI is strictly for status output). All manual commands should be input via the handset (see below)

The software as distributed, supports the two-train configuration showed in the video above. That configuration is specified in the src/ module. Other, inactive, configurartions exist in that file. The statements that implement them are commented-out. You can comment and un-comment lines of code in that file in order to run other configurations.

If running the distributed configuration, move each train (by hand or with handset commands) to its own station (with the vision sensor just past the station red signal). Then, press simultaneously both, left and right, red buttons in the handset. That should start the two trains in auto mode. Remember that the distributed configuration assumes that the two trains are moving in opposite senses on the (topologically) circular track.

Other train and track configurations will probably require different actions.


A very basic real-time screen output based on Tkinter displays status information. Mostly useful for development and diagnosing "train accidents". This is strictly a status output function. No user access via GUI is supported yet.



In the configuration currently implemented, two trains equipped with vision sensors (LEGO® Powered UP 88007 Color & Distance Sensor) run on a simple (topologically) circular track equipped with two passing loops that act as train stations, each one dedicated to its own train. The trains run against each other, and the software takes care of preventing collisions by ensuring that they can only cross each other when one is parked on its own station. Switches that connect the station loops to the main line are fixed, effectively creating a unique and distinct path for each train. Although the paths overlap each other for most of the track length.


Each train in the system is represented by an instance of a subclass of Train. The specific subclass capable of handling the vision sensor is SmartTrain. The corresponding module contains class definitions for these, as well as for auxiliary objects that are used to control the train's motors, their LED headlights (when so equipped), their hub's LED color light (see below), report battery status, and handle events from vision sensors.

Other classes exist to handle a simple train with no vision sensor, but which can optionally have a LEGO® Powered UP 88005 Light (SimpleTrain), and a composite train made by linking back-to-back two engines, with all cars in between (CompoundTrain). In this composite train, the front engine is represented by an instance of SimpleTrain equipped with LED headlights, and the rear engine is represented by an instance of SmartTrain. The control software handles the details of acceleration and braking with two engines working in reverse and with uneven battery voltages as well (see video with example).

Currentlly these special configurations may not work properly because most of the recent development work focused on the two-train configuration. I tested only that the basic composite train (without track signals) works correctly, that is, it starts, stops, accelerates, deccelerates, and reverses correctly, and its headlights also work as expected. It should respond to red signals indicating station entry, but numerical parameters need to be adjusted by trial and error.

Color LED signals

The train hub LED is used to convey status information about the train. The implemented signals are:

  • solid color - this is the color used when calling the constructor for the particular Train subclass. It is used to identify the train. When the train is moving and its status is normal, that is the color it displays.
  • blinking between the train color and orange - this signals that the train is stopped and waiting for control inputs, either from the control script or the handset.
  • green - the train received a start command from the control script and is free to move (simulates the train engineer seeing a green light).
  • red - the train received a start command from the control script but is not free to move (simulates the train engineer seeing a red light)


The track for this initial project is topologically a simple circle with two passing loops that are used as train stations. Each one serves one sensor-equipped train. The track is divided into sectors; and the main goal of the software is to ensure that each sector is occupied by mostly one, and only one, train, at any given time.

The simple track configuration described above can be divided into four sectors; two are associated with each one of the stations, and two sectors laid out in between the stations and connecting them. Sectors are marked by color tiles laid out on the track at each sectors end points, in such a way that a train, when moving over a color tile, will send a signal to the controlling script. That way, the script can know where the train is at that moment, and take actions accordingly. The station sectors differ slightly from the above configuration, by having a red tile marking the point where the train should stop when arriving at the station.

The sector classes and the track layout are defined in module There are two kinds of sectors, a plain, and a structured sector (station sectors are basically plain sectors). The structured sector has two sub-sectors inside it, named 'fast' and 'slow'. The transition between them is marked by a color tile of the same color used to mark the sector's end points. The purpose of the sub-sectors is to allow the train to know where it is inside the sector, giving it enough time to interrogate the next sector about its occupancy status, allowing it to prepare in advance of arriving at the inter-sector transition region. Plain sectors can be used when no such advanced preparation is necessary (as, for instance, when the next sector in the track layout is a station sector where a mandatory stop has to take place anyway).

The track layout is defined by a static data structure made of nested dictionaries. Two track layouts are actually necessary, since the layout may look different for trains running in different directions.

Track crossings are handled by class XTrack. It provides a lock for trains approaching a segment which contains a crossing, to: (i) verify the status of the crossing, and (ii) in case the crossing is free, to book it. A booked instance of Xtrack can only be released by the same instance of Train that booked it. Signal tiles are used in all branches that approach or leave a crossing.

The picture below shows one among many possible physical realizations of the current track layout. Note the blue tiles marking a structured sector. The actual positioning of the color tiles must account at least in part for train inertia when stopping or changing speed. This kind of effect is already partially handled by the control software. Since train inertia depends on the number of cars, the train instances are initialized with the number of cars in the train, enabling the software to approximately account for train mass when computing the acceleration and braking voltage ramps. This is all a consequence of the train motors being DC motors and not step motors as in other LEGO® robotic components.


The Controller class is responsible for establishing the connections in between the train class instances that are passed to it by the module, and the handset. It also creates an instance of class RemoteHandset that handles user input from the handset, and connects handset gestures to functions in the code.

Controller can handle a number of different train configurations. Examples of these can be found in the module. The main module is the one that runs under the main thread in Python, thus it is the module that also sets up and starts the tkinter GUI.

Handset gestures

Each set of buttons in the handset (left and right) controls one of the trains with the same gestures found by default in the LEGO® train set as it comes out of the box:

  • plus key - increases train speed
  • minus key - decreases train speed
  • red key - stops the train

Two additional gestures are accepted as well:

  • pressing and holding for 1 sec or more any one of the red keys, upon key release will stop both trains and reset the entire system to manual mode. This means that the trains can only move now under command of the handset left and right button sets, and they will ignore the track color signals. This is useful to retrieve the trains from any undesired situation and move each one back to its own station. They can only be properly restarted in automatic mode when are in this configuration.
  • momentarily pressing both red keys simultaneously will start both trains in auto mode. They will hold at each station for a certain time (randomly chosen) and then start moving in automatic mode.

The system was envisioned to support the manual input of speed and stop commands from the user even when in automatic mode. This functionality wasn't extensively tested yet though, so one may expect problems when manually interfering with the trains running in auto mode.

Vision sensors

The vision sensors are mounted in the train engines, sticking throughout an opening in the structural main plate. The sensors are used to detect color tiles on the tracks as the train moves over them.

Make sure you mount the sensors in the same way as in the pictures below. They should protrude below the main plate so the sensor head stays close to the color tiles on the track. Mounting them fully recessed inside the train decreases their sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio by a significant amount, rendering color signal detection very unreliable.

Vision sensors should be connected to Port B on the Powered UP hub.

Vision sensor mounted on 60197 train engine

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This video by BrickGuy shows how to do it:

I conducted experiments with a variety of tile colors in order to select particular combinations that would work best for this project. Software used for these experiments can be found in directory test.

The train control software uses color hue (H), saturation (S), and value (V, also known as intensity or brightness) on the HSV coordinate space to uniquely identify colors. Using the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) standard normalized HSV diagram (See here results from colorimetry analysis), I found a few tile colors that present adequate separation from each other:

  • Used in current configuration
    • Bright Red
    • Dark Green
    • Dark Azur
    • Bright Yellow
  • Currently not used
    • Medium Azur
    • Vibrant Yellow (appears as bluish to some eyes)
    • Bright Redish Violet

Colors that tend to partially overlap with each other, or sit close by, on the diagram, are unsuitable for reliable detection. We should also strive for colors with higher saturation S, and especially with higher values of brightness V. For instance, in the case of my installation over a light cream color carpet, it is possible to very reliably reject sensor readings coming from the dark gray track (low V) and from the carpet (low S). Users should adjust the software parameters (in file src/ to their own particular situations.

Even with these "best" colors, the sensors may eventually generate false positive or false negative detections. I believe they are caused in part by interference with ambient light, and sensor sampling resolution. The software has a number of ways of, at least partially, handling these false detections by relying on timing information as the train moves along the track. A few parameters associated with timing controls can be found in file src/, but are also interspersed in the code itself (this is work in progress!).

Signal tile placement on the track

Tile placement and size can be somewhat tricky under some circumstances.

Failed detections often result from a fast-moving train passing over a too short tile. This is caused by dead time in the vision sensor readout pattern. This dead time is necessary in order to prevent the vision sensor output stream to overwhelm the BLE channel bandpass.

This situation can be remedied by using more than one tile:

One should avoid placing signal tiles over curved stretches of track. The curve causes the vision sensor to misalign slightly from the track center line, thus causing failed detections. Sometimes, mounting multiple tiles cross-wise over the sleepers can fix that.

Note that the software contains a feature that causes the vision sensor to "go blind" just after it had a positive detection of a signal tile. This was implemented as a way to minimize false positive detections that may be generated by long sequences of tiles as shown above. The blindness is just for the one color that was just detected, and lasts for a time that is user-definable (TIME_BLIND in


Python scripts to support Lego City trains







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