A curated list of awesome dataset, technologies, companies, and media about Indoor Farming.
All lists are in alphabetical order.
- Biosphere 2 - A unique experience in the early 90s for 8 people to live for 2 years completely isolated. A fiasco providing great perspective on indoor farming, closed-environment activities and ECLSS.
A key to Indoor Farming is using data and automation to optimize growth and reduce production costs. Here are public datasets that can serve to kickstart new initiatives.
- Danforth Center's phenotype datasets
- The iNaturalist Challenge 2017 Dataset
- Herbarium specimens from LIRMM
- Plant Trait Database
- UC Irvine Leaf Dataset - 340 images
- UC Irvine One-hundred plant species leaves data set - ~1600 images of leaf specimens, used for Kaggle Leaf Classfication challenge
- Aarhus University Plant seedlings dataset 960 plants from 12 species
- Vegetable on Imagenet
- Crop diseases from EPFL
- Crop and weed plants
- The Linux Foundation hosts AgStack, which aims at "Open-Source Digital Infrastructure for the Agriculture Ecosystem". Several threads relate to indoor farming technology.
- AstroPlant
- CommonGarden in JavaScript/Node.js
- Farm, growing software in Go
- FarmBot
- Hydromisc - custom PCB for hydroponics.
- Mark0, growing software in Python
- Mycodo
- OpenAg Initiative PFC, in Python on ROS
- OpenAg MVP, in Python
- Project PeaPod
- ROS Agriculture - applicable to indoor farming, but aimed beyond.
- PlantCV, based on OpenCV
- 3-Demeter Capture - Neat OSS tool for building 3-D point clouds from standard-camera images.
Many companies work on indoor farming. This short list tries to stay short by focusing with either large or special companies relying heavily on technology.
- AeroFarms
- Agrilution, now part of Miele.
- Alesca Life
- Artemis (formely Agrilyst)
- Autogrow
- Bowery
- FarmOne
- Four Growers
- Freight Farms
- Infarm
- Intelligent Growth Solutions
- Interstellar Lab - Still concept stage.
- Iron Ox
- MotorLeaf
- Optimal
- Plant Vision
- PlantX - Latest product information in Japanese only at this point.
- Plenty
- Root AI
- Spread
- Square Roots
- AstroPlant
- Eden ISS - Indoor farm at the South Pole.
- Eu:CROPIS - Research project for plants under micro-gravity.
- Deep Space Food Challenge - NASA challenge to design indoor farming technology for space missions.
- LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture, edited by T Kozai, K. Fujiwara, E. S. Runkle
- Plant Factory: An Indoor Vertical Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, edited by T. Kozai, G. Niu, M. Takagaki.
- The Vertical Farm, by D. Despommier.
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To the extent possible under law, Fabian Dubois and Eric Platon have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.