is a general purpose, lightweight, Flask-based web
front-end to monitor your RQ queues, jobs, and workers in realtime.
The RQ dashboard is currently being developed and is in beta stage.
You can also run the dashboard inside of docker:
$ docker pull eoranged/rq-dashboard
$ docker run -p 9181:9181 eoranged/rq-dashboard
and you can then run the image. You can pass additional options using environment variables with prefix RQ_DASHBOARD_*:
- RQ_DASHBOARD_REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379
See more info on how to pass environment variables in Docker documentation
$ pip install rq-dashboard
Run the dashboard standalone, like this:
$ rq-dashboard
* Running on
$ rq-dashboard --help
Usage: rq-dashboard [OPTIONS]
Run the RQ Dashboard Flask server.
All configuration can be set on the command line or through environment
variables of the form RQ_DASHBOARD_*. For example RQ_DASHBOARD_USERNAME.
A subset of the configuration (the configuration parameters used by the
underlying flask blueprint) can also be provided in a Python module
referenced using --config, or with a .cfg file referenced by the
RQ_DASHBOARD_SETTINGS environment variable.
-b, --bind TEXT IP or hostname on which to bind HTTP server
-p, --port INTEGER Port on which to bind HTTP server
--url-prefix TEXT URL prefix e.g. for use behind a reverse
--username TEXT HTTP Basic Auth username (not used if not
--password TEXT HTTP Basic Auth password
-c, --config TEXT Configuration file (Python module on search
-H, --redis-host TEXT IP address or hostname of Redis server
-P, --redis-port INTEGER Port of Redis server
--redis-password TEXT Password for Redis server
-D, --redis-database INTEGER Database of Redis server
-u, --redis-url TEXT Redis URL connection (overrides other
individual settings)
--redis-sentinels TEXT List of redis sentinels. Each should be
formatted: <host>:<port>
--redis-master-name TEXT Name of redis master. Only needed when using
--poll-interval, --interval INTEGER
Refresh interval in ms
--extra-path TEXT Append specified directories to sys.path
--web-background TEXT Background of the web interface
--delete-jobs TEXT Delete jobs instead of cancel
--debug / --normal Enter DEBUG mode
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
--help Show this message and exit.
The dashboard can be integrated in to your own Flask app by accessing the blueprint directly in the normal way, e.g.:
from flask import Flask
import rq_dashboard
app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(rq_dashboard.blueprint, url_prefix="/rq")
def hello():
return "Hello World!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you start the Flask app on the default port, you can access the dashboard at http://localhost:5000/rq. The cli.py:main
entry point provides a simple working example.
Consider using rq-dashboard-on-heroku, which installs rq-dashboard from PyPI and wraps in in Gunicorn for deployment to Heroku. rq-dashboard-on-heroku is maintained indepdently.
We use piptools to keep our development dependencies up to date
$ pip install --upgrade pip $ pip install pip-tools
Now make changes to the requirements.in
file, and resolve all the
2nd-level dependencies into requirements.txt
like so:
$ pip-compile --annotate requirements.in
Develop in a virtualenv and make sure you have all the necessary build time (and run time) dependencies with
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Develop in the normal way with
$ python setup.py develop