A python with flask project that demonstrates how to perform authentication and authorization via crossid.
- Have a Crossid tenant, or sign up for free.
- Add a web application
First, install dependencies:
python3 -m venv env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then run server with:
CLIENT_SECRET=<client_secret> \
REDIRECT_URI=https://localhost/callback \
ISSUER_BASE_URL=https://<tenant_id>.crossid.io/oauth2/ \
./env/bin/flask run
Click this button to deploy the app to the DigitalOcean App Platform.
Note: when creating the web app, put a temporary URLs in Redirect URI and Logout URI until the app is deployed.
Fill the needed enviroment variables: ISSUER_BASE_URL
Or if you have doctl
installed then run:
doctl apps create --spec .do/app.yaml
Then go to the DigitalOcean admin screen and update the enviroment variables as stated above.
Take note of the public url of your new app. (replace {public_url} below with the public url)
Finally, go to CrossID admin screen, edit the oauth2 client, and add the correct callback url: {public_url}/callback
and to post logout redirect uris as: {public_url}
Crossid can:
- Sign users in using various passwordless authentication factors (e.g., otp, fingerprint, etc...)
- Sign users in via social providers (e,g. Facebook) or enterprise providers (e.g., Azure)
- Multi factor authentication.
- Issue signed OAuth2 and Openid-Connect access tokens to protect API calls.
- Manage user profiles and access.
- Authenticate machines.