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RESTful microservice boilerplate using Node.js, Express, Typescript, Docker, Jest, ESLint and more


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Microservice Boilerplate

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A highly opinionated RESTful microservice boilerplate using Node.js, Express, Typescript and other awesome tools. It's main purpose is to speed the development of new microservices by providing an already configured project, using the best tools and a scalable code structure.

Table of contents

What is included in this boilerplate?

  • A RESTful microservice developed using Express.
  • All code strongly-typed with Typescript.
  • Hot-reload with Nodemon.
  • Unit tests with Jest and Supertest.
  • Good and clean code practices using ESLint (based on Airbnb configuration), Prettier and EditorConfig.
  • A pre-commit git hook to prevent dirty code to reach your local and remote repository, using Husky and lint-staged.
  • Configuration variables ready to be read from the command line arguments, environment variables or .env files, thanks to dotenv.
  • Request validations using joi.
  • API documentation using the OpenAPI specification and Swagger.
  • CORS support thanks to CORS middleware.
  • CI/CD pipelines support using GitHub Actions.
  • And all of this in a Docker container.

Live demo

You can see a live demo in the following link:

The demo is deployed in Heroku and it includes the following endpoints:

Endpoint Method Description
/api/health GET Gets the health information of the microservice
/api/login POST Logs a user into the system
/api/logout POST Logs out a user
/api/docs GET Gets the API documentation rendered with Swagger UI

For more information about the endpoints, go to the API documentation.

Getting started


You need to have installed the following tools:


Clone the repository

git clone

Install the dependencies (only needed if you don't want to use Docker)

npm install

Running the microservice

Run the microservice using Nodemon

npm run dev

Or using Docker Compose

docker-compose up -d

Alternatively, if you have Docker installed and want to see the microservice in action without installing anything else, use the image uploaded in my Docker Hub repository

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 cazocar/node-microservice-boilerplate

Note: By default, the microservice uses the port 3000.

If you want to build and run the image manually, make sure to specify the development stage and don't forget to create a volume so any local change you make will be reflected in the container

# 1. Build the image
docker build --target development -t microservice-boilerplate .

# 2. Run a new container with a mounted volume
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name microservice-boilerplate -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -v /usr/src/app/node_modules microservice-boilerplate

Note: if you are using Powershell, replace $(pwd) with ${pwd}.

Let's see a brief explanation of the volume mount in the second command:

  • -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app: we are telling Docker to mount a volume between $(pwd) (which is the current directory of our computer) and /usr/src/app (which is the directory were our code lives inside the container), so that way any change made to the files located in our computer will be applied to the container, without the need to re-build the image.
  • -v /usr/src/app/node_modules: we are telling Docker to not map the node_modules folder inside the container, so that way our local node_modules folder (who should not even exist or at least be empty) will not override the one in the container.

The docker-compose file exists because is so much cleaner to have a YAML file with the configuration to build and run a container, than to have to write a very long script. Also, you only have to type a very short command to start it and it already takes care of creating the container if it not exists or just runs it if it already exists. Note that the docker-compose file is only meant to be used during development.

Running the tests

The project is configured to run unit and end-to-end tests using Jest. The structure of the tests is as follow:

  • Each unit test resides at the same level as the script that is testing.
  • The e2e folder contains all the end-to-end tests.

Unit tests

The unit tests are executed with Jest and they cover the server, routes, controllers, middlewares, among other modules. The project also includes coverage test.

Run the unit tests

npm run test

Run the unit tests with coverage included

npm run test:coverage

Note: To see the detailed results of the coverage, open the file found in coverage/Icov-report/index.html.


Mocks must be defined before the test itself, so this way the it will use the mocked version, instead of the real one:

// In this example we are mocking the "AuthService", to isolate the test

describe('AuthController', (): void => {
  // The test goes here

Remember to restore it when the tests are finished:

afterAll((): void => {

Note: You can also mock external packages.

End-to-end tests

The E2E tests are used to test that all components of the microservice works as a whole. This can be done by making HTTP requests to the API as it were a client trying to consume the microservice.

The tests uses the URL configured in the APP_URL settings, so that way they can be run pointing to a specific environment. In the case of the CI pipeline, it points to localhost because the pipeline runs a Docker container.

Run the end-to-end tests

npm run test:e2e

ESLint + Prettier

The project uses ESLint and Prettier to analyze, format and find problems in the code. The rules are based on the Airbnb configuration, but further customization can be done in the .eslintrc.json file.

If you are using Visual Studio Code, the project is configured to automatically format the code on save without having to run any command. But nevertheless, if you want to manually execute the analysis, run the following command:

npm run lint

And if you want to automatically fix the problems

npm run lint:fix

Configuration variables

The microservice is ready to read configuration variables so you can dynamically set parameters, either by a local file, command line arguments or environment variables. All configuration files must be in the .env file.

It uses a configuration source based on a hierarchically order, which is a dotenv feature. This means that some configurations will have a higher priority over the others and will override them. For example, if you set the same two variables in a .env file and the other on a environment variable, the later one will be used, because environment variables have higher priority. This is really useful when you want to set default values and give the option to override them.

Request validation

As you can't be sure that the users will send correct data to the service, the requests must be validated. For this, the project uses joi which is a powerful data validator, enabling you to describe the structure of the data that must be provided.

When you create a new endpoint, be sure to validate the user input. To do this, follow the next steps:

  1. Create a schema under src/schemas folder. In there, describe how the data must be provided.
  2. Inject an ValidatorMiddleware instance in the routes that you want to validate, under src/routes folder, passing the schema previously created.

API documentation

Almost no one likes to document, is tedious and boring, and for that reason I tried to search a solution that could easier my life. That's where I found about OpenAPI, a specification for describing your service in a very simple way; I highly recommend that you take a look about it before proceeding further. The Swagger tools are used to provide a web page to interact and navigate the documentation, making it easier to discover what provides the API.

The documentation is dynamically generated using Swagger based on the YAML files located in the src/docs folder, so when you make new endpoints or update old ones, make sure to keep those files up to date. Each file located under this folder, describes the endpoints (requests and responses).

To see the documentation navigate to http://localhost:3000/api/docs.


CORS is enabled thanks to the CORS package. If you want to add rules, check the official documentation for more details.

Git Hooks

The boilerplate is configured to use git hooks, which are scripts that fires when certain actions occur.

There are various hooks types, and the one that is already integrated is the pre-commit hook. The project uses husky to execute scripts and lint-staged to run the scripts only on staged files. This allow us to analyze the files and decide if they can be commited or not. For example, the project is configured to run ESLint on those files, and if there exists syntax problems, the files can not be commited. It is true that the files can be automatically fixed with the --fix option, but I think it's best to let the developer manually solve the problem, so he learns why his code didn't pass the linter.

CI/CD pipeline

The project is configured to use GitHub Actions as a CI/CD service. The main reason to use this platform is that it is already integrated into the repository and for free, so there is no need to install or configure anything, just write your pipeline and let GitHub worry for the rest. You can find the pipelines in .github/workflows, where two files exists: ci.yml and cd.yml.

The ci.yml pipeline is responsible for the Continuous Integration tasks and it does the following:

  • Checkout the master branch
  • Install Node.js
  • Install the dependencies
  • Build the project
  • Run the linter
  • Run the unit tests
  • Build the Docker image
  • Run a Docker container using the previous image
  • Run the integration tests on the previous Docker container

This actions are triggered whenever a push is made to any branch (except for *.md files), so that way we can know if there is a problem with the new changes as soon as posible.

On the other hand, the cd.yml pipeline is responsible for the Continuous Delivery tasks and it does the following:

  • Checkout the master branch
  • Build a Docker image
  • Push the image to Docker Hub
  • Deploy the image to Heroku

Important: Remember to add the following variables in the Secrets section of your GitHub repository configuration:

  • DOCKER_USERNAME: the Docker Hub username
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD: the Docker Hub password
  • HEROKU_API_KEY: the API key generated by Heroku (more info here)
  • HEROKU_APP_NAME: the name of your Heroku application

Also don't forget to change the Docker Hub repository name

  username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
  password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
  repository: cazocar/node-microservice-boilerplate # <-- Change here
  tags: latest

This actions are triggered whenever a push is made to the master branch and it affects files found in the src folder, package.json or Dockerfile, so it only executes when stable changes are ready to be deployed.


To deploy the microservice, you have various options.

Manual deploy

If you want to manually deploy the microservice, first transpile the typescript files

npm run build

This will create a dist folder with the code transpiled to Javascript. Now you have to copy the following files and folders:

  • dist
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json

And then put them wherever you are going to make the deploy.

Important: Remember to not copy the .env file, as its only meant for development purposes. If you need to do some configuration specific to your environment (for example, you need to change the URL of some external API in production), it's highly recommended that you use an environment variable.

Now, install the dependencies where you copied the files.

npm install --production

Finally, use a process manager or a web server to run and manage the microservice. I recommend using pm2.

If you want to manually start it, run the following command

npm run start

Deploy with Docker

The Dockerfile has a multi-stage configuration to be used during development as well in production.

To build the image in production mode, you only have to run the following command

npm run docker:build

Or if you prefer to do it manually, run the following command

# 1. Build the image
docker build -t microservice-boilerplate .

# 2. Remove "development" intermediate image
# This step is optional, but nobody likes garbage, right?
docker image prune -f --filter label=stage=intermediate

Note: The tag microservice-boilerplate is an example, use whatever name you like.

This will create an image with the code transpiled to plain Javascript and with only the needed dependencies. The production stage is the last one, so we don't have to specify the --target option.

Now, you can upload the image to Docker Hub and then download it on your server from the repository

# 1. Run this command on your local machine
docker tag microservice-boilerplate your-docker-user/your-repository-name
docker push your-docker-user/your-repository-name

# 2. Run this command on your server
docker pull your-docker-user/your-repository-name

Note: your-docker-user is the username of your Docker Hub account, and your-repository-name is the name of the repository created in Docker Hub. For more information on how to create a repository, click here.

Or alternatively you can zip it and transfer the zipped file to your server and load it

# 1. Run this command on your local machine
docker save -o microservice-boilerplate

# 2. Transfer the zipped file to your server

# 3. Run this command on your server
docker load -i <>

Finally, you can create and run a container with the image

# If you uploaded the image to Docker Hub
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 your-docker-user/your-repository-name

# Or if you zipped the image
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 microservice-boilerplate

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