A project management software built on Ruby on Rails with a focus on collaboration.
Teambox is project-oriented. Each project is private and can only be accessed by its owner and collaborators. Projects have a status wall, conversations, tasks, shared pages and file uploads.
You can use Teambox online to understand how it works before installing.
Visit the product's site for documentation, community and support: http://www.teambox.com/
- Website: http://www.teambox.com/
- GitHub: http://github.com/micho/teambox
- Mailing List for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/teambox
- Original developer: Pablo Villalba ([email protected], [email protected])
- Copyright: (cc) 2010 Teambox Technologies S.L.
Take a looks at our wiki to learn how to install Teambox on different platforms.
You can also use Teambox online. If you've chosen to run your own copy, then follow these simple steps!
Install missing gems:
- rake gems:install
Create Your Database
- rake db:create
Run Migrations
- rake db:auto:migrate
Edit config files
- config/teambox.yml: replace the needed values for your own domain name.
- config/environment.rb: enter your email settings for smtp_settings.
Run the server with ./script/server and go to http://localhost to start using Teambox!
Auto Migrations
You won't see a-lot of migration files in this rails project because we're using an awesome plugin called auto_migrations. Instead of creating migration files you modify the schema file and the run a rake that figures out what it has to do. Its saves alot of time in development. Then when you're ready to share you app for deployment there is a rake to convert your current schema to a migration file. So you'll only have migration files for major revisions.