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This application is not intended to be deployed in production as it is sandbox of several coding methods (TDD, CQRS etc.) and features. This is not optimized (see Toto at bottom of this readme to see a list of suggestions / improvements to be made).

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Sandbox test 01 APP (Dev in Progress)


This application is not intended to be deployed in production but is a sandbox of technical inventory, several coding methods (TDD, DDD, CQRS etc.) and features. This is not optimized (see Todo at bottom of this readme to see a list of suggestions / improvements to be made).


This is a simple implementation of a classroom management system with professors / students and exams (random questions).


  • PHP 7.4+
  • MySQL
  • Composer
  • Symfony


composer install
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate

bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load # to load default fixtures


symfony serve

access api with given url (usually http://localhost:8000)


  • Automatic Testing when code pushed to Github (Github Actions) (coverage target >= 65%)
  • CRUD for Students / Classrooms
  • Automatic exam generation (select randomly questions from a pool of questions in database)
  • Exam control (only one opened exam by classroom at the same time)
  • Exam statistics update (only when an exam is finished)

See api routes payloads in controllers methods doc blocks (see Todo for improvements alternatives)


 ------------------ -------- -------- ------ --------------------------
  Name               Method   Scheme   Host   Path                     
 ------------------ -------- -------- ------ --------------------------
  add_classroom       POST     ANY      ANY    /api/classrooms
  delete_classroom    DELETE   ANY      ANY    /api/classrooms/{id}
  list_classrooms     GET      ANY      ANY    /api/classrooms
  get_classroom       GET      ANY      ANY    /api/classrooms/{id}
  update_classroom    PUT      ANY      ANY    /api/classrooms/{id}
  create_exam         POST     ANY      ANY    /api/exam
  show_exam           GET      ANY      ANY    /api/exam/{id}
  answer_exam         POST     ANY      ANY    /api/exam/{examId}/student/{studentId}
  add_student         POST     ANY      ANY    /api/students
  delete_student      DELETE   ANY      ANY    /api/students/{id}
  list_students       GET      ANY      ANY    /api/students
  get_student         GET      ANY      ANY    /api/students/{id}
  update_student      PUT      ANY      ANY    /api/students/{id}
  find_student_exam   GET      ANY      ANY    /api/students/{id}/exam
 ------------------ -------- -------- ------ --------------------------

Todo (improvements)

  • Use of AMQP / Redis or equivalent for asynchronous actions (stats calculation etc.)
  • Store leaderboards in REDIS (way much efficient than sql, method used a lot in gaming code)
  • Better DDD directories split (Application, InfrastructureBundle, Core, UIBundle)
  • Docker implementation (to work on the same environment as preprod / prod app)
  • Use of more specific Exceptions names instead of RuntimeException
  • Use of ParamFetcher on controller to fill DTOs
  • Use of API Platform (not used here to see some coding methods)
  • Add Swagger and/or Nelmio APIDoc (implemented with API Platform)
  • HATEOS hypermedia implementation to cover full RESTFUL levels (implemented with API Platform)
  • Authentication (Oauth2) (implemented with API Platform)


This application is not intended to be deployed in production as it is sandbox of several coding methods (TDD, CQRS etc.) and features. This is not optimized (see Toto at bottom of this readme to see a list of suggestions / improvements to be made).


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