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Smart contracts for investment strategies protocol

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Investment strategy contracts


Contract system

The smart contract system for the platform has one central contract (Factory) that is able to control: libraries, platforms, assets, fees, and create new Pool contracts. The Pool contract is responsible for all actions on the platform. It is capable of calling external libraries to interact with third-party protocols. The Pool contract also acts as a repository for data and investor funds. Additional libraries that are linked to the Pool contract have the ability to call third-party protocols and perform specified actions directly.



Project structure

├──  contracts/ # contracts
├────── interfaces/ # interfaces
├────── lib/ # libraries that have the ability to interact with the main contract
├────── mock/ # mock contracts
├────── FactoryLogic.sol # Factory implementation logic contract
├────── FactoryProxy.sol # Factory proxy contract
├────── PoolLogic.sol # Pool implementation logic contract
├────── PoolProxy.sol # Pool proxy contract
├──  scripts/ # scripts for deploy and interaction
├──  test/ # test cases
├── # current file
├──  .env.sample # example of .env file
├──  .gitignore
├──  hardhat.config.js # config for deploying or testing on various networks
└──  package.json

Local development



Setup .env file

  • INFURA_KEY - infura api key for upload contracts to test network
  • RPC_URL - RPC provider link
  • PRIVATE_KEY - private key
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY - etherscan api key for verify contracts

Install the dependencies

  • Install node_modules
npm i


yarn install
  • Compile the contracts
npx hardhat compile
  • Run the tests
npx hardhat test
  • Coverage the contracts
npx hardhat coverage
  • Get size of contracts
npx hardhat size-contracts

Smart contracts

Main Contracts Description
FactoryProxy Factory upgradable proxy contract.
FactoryLogic Factory logic implementation used to manage the project and create new Pool contracts.
PoolProxy Proxy upgradable proxy contract.
PoolLogic Proxy logic implementation used to interact with external libraries, call basic project functions and store all funds and data.
Library Contracts Description
FuturesLibrary Library for Futures functionality.
LendBorrowLibrary Library for Venus functionality.
PoolLibrary Library includes calculation methods, spot trading logic, and structured products.
RevertReasonParser Library for error detection.

Smart contract descriptions



For user:
  • Create Pool;
  • Get params information;
  • Get pool information;
For manager:
  • Set libraries;
  • Set implementations;
  • Manage assets;
  • Manage platforms;

Contract methods:

  • createPool - Function for creating a new Pool contract with specified parameters.
  • setPoolLogic - only Manager Set different pool logic to use.
  • setDexLibs - only Manager Set new library for exchange tokens.
  • setVenusLibs - only Manager Set new Venus library.
  • setUniAddresses - only Manager Set new Spot trading library.
  • manageLibrariesToWhitelist - only Manager Add new assets to whitelistedLibraries.
  • manageAssetsToWhitelist - only Manager Add new assets to whitelistedAssets.
  • managePlatformsToWhitelist - only Manager Add new platforms to whitelistedAssets.
  • setTreasuryFundAndFee - only Manager Set new platform fee.
  • setPoolLibrary - only Manager Set pool library contracts.
  • setHorizonProtocolLib - only Manager Set structured products library.
  • setLendBorrowLib - only Manager Set Venus library.
  • setFuturesLib - only Manager Set Futures library.
  • getRouterAddress - Get router address.
  • getPools - Get info about pools.
  • getPoolAddresses - Get created pool addresses.
  • getWhitelistedAssets - Get whitelisted assets.
  • getWhitelistedPlatforms - Get whitelisted platforms.
  • getDexLibraryData - Get Dex library.
  • getVenusLibraryData - Get Venus address.
  • getUniAddresses - Get Spot trading.
  • getHorizonProtocolLib - Get Structured products library
  • getFuturesLib - Get Futures library.
  • getPoolLibraryAddress - Get pool library.
  • getLendBorrowLibraryAddress - Get Venus library.
  • getTreasuryAddressAndFee - Get fee value.



For user:
  • Invest;
  • Withdraw;
  • Get pool info and pool data;
For manager:
  • Manage investors;
  • Open/Close pool;
  • Use fund for strategies;
  • Manage fees;

Contract methods:

  • invest - Allows user invest funds to pool.
  • withdraw - Allows user withdraw funds from pool.
  • directCallStrategy - only Manager Call a contract with the specified data.
  • libraryCall - only Manager Call library contract with data by delegatecall.
  • enter - only Manager Enter in Pancakeswap pair.
  • exit - only Manager Exit from Pancakeswap pair to chosen token.
  • setDirectCallAllowance - only Manager Set direct call allowance.
  • setPublishStatus - only Manager Set publish pool status.
  • closePool - only Manager Close pool for use.
  • setMinInvestmentAmount - only Manager Sets a minimum amount below which investments cannot be made.
  • setFeeCollectorAndFee - only Manager sets new fee collector and fee percentage.
  • getFeeCollected - get amount of fee.
  • checkUnderlyingTokens - check pairs for pancakeswap.
  • getFactoryAddress - Get factory address.
  • getFeePercentage - Get fee percentage.
  • getSupportLiquidityPairs - get support liquidity pairs.
  • assetsUnderManagement - The function of calculating all the assets of this pool.
  • poolInfo - Complete information about the this pool.
  • getInvestors - get investor addresses.


You should make sure that all settings and ABIs are set up as you need them and the .env file is created and contains the correct credentials.

Deploy Factory

Deploy Factory (for testnet)

To deploy Factory for testnet, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network TEST_NETWORK_NAME

Deploy Factory (for mainnet)

To deploy Factory for mainnet, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-bsc.js --network bsc

Crate Pool (for mainnet or testnet)

To create a pool, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/createPoll.js --network NETWORK_NAME

Enter (for mainnet)

To enter a liq pool, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/enter.js --network bsc

Invest (for mainnet)

To Invest in a pool, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/invest.js --network bsc

Withdraw (for mainnet)

To Withdraw from a pool, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/withdraw.js --network bsc

Set new pool library (for mainnet or testnet)

To Set new pool library, you should use the command: npx hardhat run scripts/setPoolLib.js --network NETWORK_NAME

Deploy new Library (for mainnet)

To deploy the required library you should to modify the script for the specific library you need (an example of a LendBorrowLibrary deployment is provided in the script). Use the following command to call the script: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-lib.js --network bsc


Contracts are processed in the following stages:

  1. Compilation
  2. Deployment
  3. Configuration
  4. Interactions on-chain


To compile the contracts run:

npx hardhat compile

Artifacts are stored in the artifacts and directory.


For deployment step the following command should be used:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network


npx hardhat run scripts/SCRIPT_NAME --network

Addresses of deployed contracts are displayed in terminal.


If you'd like to run tests on the local environment, you might want to run tests using the following command:

npm run test

If you'd like to run tests on the fork node environment, you might want to run tests using the following command:

  1. Start fork node:
ganache-cli --fork
  1. Uncomment the test called: PoolFork.test.js.
  2. Comment (hide) the all other tests.
  3. Run test:
npx hardhat test --network localhost

Next Steps

  1. Divide the functionality within PoolLibrary into separate libraries (Spot trading and Structured Products);
  2. Add support for new libraries (Spot trading and Structured Products) in the Factory and be able to add them to PoolLogic;
  3. Check for new libraries when calling libraryCall;
  4. Fix inaccurate way to calculate getBorrowedPercentage (logic with additional percentage). PoolLibrary.sol::Line(257-260);
  5. Add position fee calculation in FuturesLibrary. This feature requires a copy of LevelFinance’s _calcPositionFee function, which has some internal dependencies such as borrowIndex calculation, which uses the _accrueInterest function.


Smart contracts for investment strategies protocol






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