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@release-drafter release-drafter released this 11 Sep 06:20
· 34 commits to main since this release


  • [ENH] add QA workflow bidsQA to find outliers in MRIQC output or to view number of outlier timepoints (for a given metric and threshold) in each functional run 1297 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add support for one-way ANOVA across groups at the group level 1296 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] allow for 2 sample T-Test, within group T-Test and one-way ANOVA to be more flexible with respect to what praticipants.tsv column to use to allocate subjects in each group 1296 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] make addConfoundsToDesignMatrix a method of BidsModel 1294 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add Apptainer definition 1254 by by Remi-Gau and by monique2208
  • [ENH] allow to copy anat only on raw datasets 1181 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add option to concatenate runs at subject level to facilite running PPI analysis 1133 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] allow to run substeps of the bayesian model selection [1145]untagged-295695efb0c123726a81(#1145) by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add quality control for GLM using the MACS toolbox to give a goodness of fit and several other information criteria (AIC, BIC) (MATLAB only) 1135 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add several confound strategies to add to bids stats model and a function to create family of models 1126 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add CLI to run bayesian model selection 1121 by by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] support label of activations with all atlases 1100 by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] add support for session level models 1116 be by Remi-Gau
    • allow to pass dummy contrasts to session level
    • allow inter session contrasts to be computed at the subject level
    • improve naming of contrast to mention bids ses and run
  • [ENH] add Bayesian model selection to the python CLI 1292 by Remi-Gau


  • [ENH] align specification of F contrasts on the BIDS stats model: they should now be specified as a 2D matrix and not a 1D vector. 1276 by Remi-Gau
  • [DOC] change theme and structure of the documentation 1256 by Remi-Gau
  • [REF] Refactor and update CLI in 1096 by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] {func}getData only loads anat data when requested 1257 by Remi-Gau
  • [ENH] the python CLI now uses sub-commands instead of the named parameter --action 1292 by Remi-Gau



  • [FIX] ensure that {func}setBatchCoregistrationFuncToAnat takes into account bids_filter 1295 by by d-ni374
  • [FIX] update {func}createDefaultStatsModel to use proper GroupBy at the dataset level 1248 by by d-ni374
  • [FIX] make {func}getAcquisitionTime less brittle 1248 by by d-ni374
  • [FIX] fix regular expression in {func}bidsResults to identify contrasts 1248 by by d-ni374 and 1275 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] pass analysis level to stats actions when using python CLI 1258 by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] remove goodness of fit from dataset level analysis as it is not supported by the MACS toolbox 1265 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] add java and zip to container recipes to allow using nidm results with octave 1265 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] copy the MACS toolbox to the SPM toolbox folder during the initialisation 1203 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] save onsets.mat directly in subject stats folder 1187 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] do not compute subject level contrast when running dataset level 1102 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] copy RepetitionTime in sidecar JSON after running smoothing in 1099 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] rename results files (csv, tsv, png, nii) of each contrasts 1104 by by Remi-Gau
  • [FIX] reslice ROIS before running ROI based analysis to make sure they are at the resolution of the BOLD images in 1110 by by Remi-Gau

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v4.0.0